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Dulled, all its soul-shaking beauty dead, blotched and shadowed squalidly, its gleaming plumes tarnished, its dancing spirals stripped from it, that which had been the Shining One wrapped itself about Yolara wrapped and drew her into itself; writhed, swayed, and hurled itself over the edge of the bridge down, down into the green fires of the unfathomable abyss with its priestess still enfolded in its coils!

Hard on twenty years have gone by since that night of Leo's vision the most awful years, perhaps, which were ever endured by men twenty years of search and hardship ending in soul-shaking wonder and amazement. My death is very near to me, and of this I am glad, for I desire to pursue the quest in other realms, as it has been promised to me that I shall do.

And then one awful day he tore the barrier down and roared down the valley carrying death and ruin with him, and swept away a whole Sikh army among other unconsidered trifles. That must have been a soul-shaking sight." She spoke on, and as she spoke I saw. What are her words as I record them? Stray dead leaves pressed in a book the life and grace dead.

Suddenly a lion near them raised a shaggy head, emitting a series of undulating, soul-shaking roars. "Ah, what's eatin' you?" demanded a thick-necked youth, pretending not to be awestricken by this demonstration. "Suppose he'd get out!" cried Eda, drawing Janet away. "I wouldn't let him hurt you, dearie," the young man assured her.

She was absolutely heart-whole, with a firm belief in the "lion" rumour, and later, long after the end of this story, became the jolly, popular wife of the great eye-specialist to whom she had rushed when, after a soul-shaking scene with her step-sisters, she had missed the target entirely at Bisley.

Twice, thrice he had hesitated on the steps of the big library, and turned away with a wildly beating heart. Day by day the storm increased, until from a cloud on the horizon it grew into a soul-shaking tempest.