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Then, as quick as lightning, he sprang forward, knocked aside Merwell's guard, and planted a telling blow on the bully's left eye. "As you are so anxious to fight, take that!" cried Dave, and before the other could recover he landed a second blow on Merwell's chin. This caused the bully to stagger against Hank Snogger, who kept him from falling completely.

I'm going to quit Merwell the first chance I git." Dave and Todd made Snogger as comfortable as possible, and the cowboy said he would be all right after he got his wind back. Then Todd went off to locate Roger and Phil and apprise them of what had occurred. "Mr. Snogger, I'd like to ask you a question," said Dave, when the two were alone and the man was resting comfortably against a tree.

Hank Snogger had leaped on his horse, and was off, on a trail that led up the river instead of across it. "What are you boys confabbing about?" cried Belle, coming up, with a box of candy in her hand. "We were just wondering where we'd get some candy," answered Dave, innocently. He did not think it wise to mention Snogger just then. "Indeed! Well, I bought this from the candy man of the train.

The former bully of Oak Hall looked haggard, as if his dissipation in Chicago and elsewhere had done him much harm. His eyes were heavy as he stood and stared about him. Hank Snogger had gone forward, to care for the mail from the Merwell ranch. "Hello, you here!" cried Link, stepping forward and confronting Dave. "I am," was the cool answer. "Got here ahead of me, eh?" "So it would seem."

Tell me, is he safe?" "Yes." And then Dave related how he and the others had fallen in with Charley at the post-office. "And Link Merwell was abusin' him callin' him a thief!" cried Hank Snogger, and his eyes commenced to blaze. "How did he dare! Why, Link Merwell is a thief himself!" "A thief!" echoed Dave. "Yes. But let that pass now I'll tell you later.

His gun was on the ground and so was his sombrero, and in his hand he held his hunting knife. As Dave viewed the scene in horror, the bear made a pass with one forepaw and sent the hunting knife whirling from the cowboy's grasp. Then the bear closed in, as if to hug Snogger to death!

The latter loosened two teeth and sent the bully into the arms of Hank Snogger. "Well, have you had enough?" asked Dave. He was panting for breath, and his eyes were blazing with determination. A look full of the bitterest kind of hatred filled the face of Link Merwell, but he was too staggered to attack Dave again. He leaned on Hank Snogger and then turned his face away.

The boy from Crumville was not slow to pick up and throw another stone, and this took the bear in the side, causing him to grunt and snort in pain and rage. Then Dave got a stone of extra size and aimed again for the animal's head. The missile went true, and with his skull crushed, bruin stretched out and lay still. "Is he is he dead?" gasped Hank Snogger, hoarsely. "I think so," answered Dave.

The train had started away and was soon out of sight among the hills. "You were as well as you ever were," answered Dave. "What's the row, Link?" asked Hank Snogger, as he pushed his way to the front. "Here's a fellow used to go to school with me. I've got it in for him, and I've a good mind to give him a thrashing." "You put your hand on me, and you'll take the consequences," said Dave.

"But say, when you get the chance, I want you to look at that Hank Snogger. He looks like somebody I've met somewhere, but for the life of me I can't place him." "Is he handsome?" quizzed the shipowner's son. "No, he looks melancholy as if he had something on his mind. It's a peculiar face, and for the life of me I can't get it out of my mind."