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Updated: August 13, 2024

The Twenty-third Corps and Wood's division of the Fourth Corps crossed the Holstein River by a bridge that had been constructed at Strawberry Plains. My division being higher up the stream, forded it, the water very deep and bitter cold, being filled with slushy ice.

The paper did not miss an issue, and as it now had innumerable canvassers among the strikers, its circulation gained rapidly rising finally to 20,000. Even at this time Joe seemed to take no special notice of Myra. But one slushy, misty night, when the gas-lamps had rainbow haloes, and gray figures sluff-sluffed through the muddy snow, she accompanied Joe on one of his fund-raising tours.

With us this intermediate season is nothing more nor less than an eminently uninteresting transition, invariably announced by such harbingers as bare and brown and dirty roads; slushy pathways, running with melted snow and ice; a warm, wet and foggy atmosphere, with great drops falling constantly from the twigs of the trees and the drenched, black eaves of the houses.

Then, feeling that she could not stay in the stove-heated room, she went out, and stood in the slushy snow. One of her hands was tightly closed, and all the color had vanished from her cheeks. However, she contrived to give Hawtrey his supper by and by, and soon afterwards drove away.

Julius made a little grimace. "She wrote some awfully slushy letters to Phil Bowen, and he read them aloud at the frat house one night." "Didn't you slap him?" Claude demanded, turning red. "Well, I would have thought I would," said Julius smiling, "but I didn't. They were too silly to make a fuss about. I've been wary of the Georgia peach ever since.

"I've always been perfectly crazy to know an engaged couple and I never have except Mr. Bingham and Miss Auborn, and they weren't so very interesting anyway." "They won't be of much use to you if they do get engaged," returned Miss Jinny sententiously. "'Two's company' after the ring appears." "David says they're slushy," pursued Patricia, meditating. "But he's only a boy."

The storm broke at Salmon Lake, and we ran for Slisco's road-house. It whipped out from the mountains, all tore into strips coming through the saw-teeth, lashing us off the glare ice and driving us up against the river banks among the willows. Cold? Well, some! My bottle of painkiller froze slushy, like lemon punch.

Surely he will honour the Frau Oberregierungsrat of the Frau Feldleutnantswitwe ONCE before he goes." In the evening of that day it rained heavily. I went to the post office, and as I stood on the steps, umbrellaless, hesitating before plunging into the slushy road, a little, hesitating voice seemed to come from under my elbow. I looked down.

Then, what'll they do? They daren't all four of 'em leave the barque, with only Slushy to take care of 'er, because they knows very well that the rest of us 'd pretty soon tie up Mr Slushy and have the barque back again. And they knows, too, that if all four of 'em was to come ashore, we could slip the cable, make sail, and take the 'ooker out to sea afore they could pull off to 'er.

There it is again!" she cried in tones of the bitterest protest. "Isn't it dreadful?" The prince flushed a darker red and hushed the slushy accompaniment. The Honourable John Ruffin looked sympathetically sad. "I couldn't have believed that anybody could be so hard to teach a little thing like that to," said Pollyooly mournfully. The prince grunted. "Yes.

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