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But the stuff's all off and I told Lewis and Harris to come out to-morrow afternoon at three- thirty to see the Skyrocket make good all my claims!" "Can't you beg off and get a little more time?" "They'd be willing enough, I suppose. They don't seem to be in the slightest hurry. But there's that second option that begins operations after to-morrow. No, there's no loophole.

They finally appeared, Lewis and Harris standing about and listening in unenthusiastic silence as Mr. Fulton glowingly explained the whyness of the various devices and improvements that made the Skyrocket a real invention. They did not even venture an occasional question, although it was easy to see that they were impressed. "What are they made of? Wood?" exclaimed Jerry in fierce impatience.

"Well, here goes for Daisy!" chuckled Tod, at the same time pointing the Skyrocket earthward so sharply that it made Jerry gasp. Down, down they shot, the black underneath seeming to be rushing up to crush them. At the last Tod managed to lessen their slant, but even then they struck the ground with a force that almost overturned the machine.

"Well, one day he drilled a hole about four feet deep and put in an awful blast of powder, and was standing over it ramming it down with an iron crowbar about nine foot long, when the cussed thing struck a spark and fired the powder, and scat! away John Godfrey whizzed like a skyrocket, him and his crowbar!

Those villains have got the contract and they will soon have dad's secret it means that we're cleaned out. There's only one thing to do in a tight place like this, and you and I are going to do it if you've got the nerve!" "I've got it," responded Jerry quickly. "What is it?" "We're going after those crooks in the Skyrocket!"

If the doctor didn't have my arm in a splint I'd be right with you." "All right, Scouts," assented Jerry, "but go mighty easy." They were all good swimmers, and with hardly a ripple they propelled the Skyrocket slowly but steadily toward the shore of Lost Island.

"Boom!" The gun spoke sharply. Ahead there was a terrible crash. The German submarine seemed to soar in the air like a skyrocket, and came down in a thousand pieces. Frank's one well-directed shot had ended the battle. Then a mighty cheer went up from the men of the mosquito fleet, in which the passengers aboard the Glasgow joined with a will.

Didn't tell you, did I, about Mallory's doin' the skyrocket act? After Mr. Robert gets next to the fact that Mallory's a two seasons' old football hero from his old college he yanks him out of that twelve-dollar-a-week filin' job and makes him a salaried gent, inside of two days. "Which is something I owe chiefly to you, Torchy," says Mallory.

When the Skyrocket finally circled about Lost Island and settled down over the narrow landing field as easily as a homing pigeon, to come to a stop with hardly a jar, it was bringing news to Mr. Fulton that was bound to soften the heart of any dad. Tod's father was out in front of the little cabin, a bit pale and shaky, but cheerful.

Rorie found the Duke going the round of the loose-boxes, and uncle and nephew spent an hour together pleasantly, overhauling the fine stud of hunters which the Duke kept at Ashbourne, and going round the paddocks to look at the brood-mares and their foals; these latter being eccentric little animals, all head and legs, which nestled close to the mother's side for a minute, and then took fright at their own tails, and shot off across the field, like a skyrocket travelling horizontally, or suddenly stood up on end, and executed a wild waltz in mid air.