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You and he together tried to swing a great big deal in September wheat once upon a time. Hargus! I say, Hargus!" The old man looked up. "Here's the man we were talking about, Scannel, you remember. Remember Dave Scannel, who was your partner in seventy-eight? Look at him. This is him now. He's a rich man now. Remember Scannel?"

The well-known Land's End and the Start came in sight, and on the 25th of September, 1580 Sunday, according to the reckoning on board the Golden Hind, after a voyage of two years and ten months, dropped her anchor in the harbour of Plymouth.

On the 25th of September these three regiments of riflemen, with Macdowell and his fugitives, met on the Watauga, each man on his own horse, armed with his own rifle, and carrying his own provisions, and each bent on dealing a telling blow for the relief of their brethren in the East. True patriots were they, risking their all for their duty to their native land.

That which was knitted together on the 2d December, 1851, came apart on the 2d September, 1870; the carnage on the Boulevard Montmartre, and the capitulation of Sedan are, we maintain, the two parts of a syllogism; logic and justice have the same balance; it was Louis Bonaparte's dismal destiny to begin with the black flag of massacres and to end with the white flag of disgrace.

I was playing poker one night, the 16th of September, 1899, with no more thought of Dave than if he had never lived. It was in the old Hotel on Water Street, a little before eight in the evening. My partner and I were having a pretty easy time stealing the other men's money some call it cheating when my thoughts turned to my old Christian pal Ranney.

She did not know whether Gregory would try to see her before she went. She thought he must have known she was going, but since he neither came to take leave of her, nor sent her any message, she decided that she had not expected him to do so. About the third week of September she heard that he had left Middlemount and gone back to college.

I reached the beginning of the year eighteen hundred and four without encountering the marriage, and then travelled back through December eighteen hundred and three through November and October through No! not through September also. Under the heading of that month in the year I found the marriage. I looked carefully at the entry.

If there be further wrath to come, I shall be glad that I bear it alone. Poor Charlotte was too much softened by prosperity to look adverse circumstances courageously in the face. Anne is young, and has Sophia and Jane to trust to for assistance. September 2. Wrote this morning, but only two pages or thereabouts.

Robert therefore reverted more seriously to a plan he had thought of, to go to Vienna, and move his paper to that city, hoping to better his fortunes. He felt, too, that he ought to travel, as he had remained in Leipsic for eight years without change. Thus, by the end of September, 1838, Schumann started for Vienna with many high hopes.

The second phase of the great Anglo-French offensive on the western front began to develop late in July, and attacks were continuous throughout the month of August and up to September 15.