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Updated: August 25, 2024

All, all Flags, Ironcaps, Tigers, Braves all to the Seng valley, leaving behind them the swallow in their march and moving with the guile and secrecy of the ringed tree-snake." With these words Ten-teh's endurance passed its drawn-out limit and again repeating in a clear and decisive voice, "All, all to the north!" he released his joints and would have fallen to the ground had it not been for the Emperor's restraining arms.

"Yet it has been said," suggested Hi Seng, "that the inimitable Kai Lung can so mould a narrative in the telling that all the emotions are conveyed therein without unduly disturbing the intellects of the hearers."

Gilmour's servant, and this was at once confirmed on the arrival of Lin Seng, my servant. He had been sent on ahead to announce Gilmour's arrival. It had been blowing a dust-storm all day, and on that account I hardly expected Gilmour, but now there was no doubt. 'About four o'clock that afternoon Gilmour arrived, and I shall never forget that first meeting.

He glanced at a sign over the door and was aware that he stood before the entrance to the offices of the Chinese Six Companies, so he climbed upstairs and inquired for Gin Seng, who presently made his appearance. Gin Seng, a very nice, fat Chinaman, arrayed in a flowing silk gown, begged, in pidgin-English, to know in what manner he could be of service.

"All that remains for me an' you to do, Gib, is to imagine the price, collect the money, an' declare a dividend. Quick, Gib! What'll we ask him?" "I'll fish around an' see what figger Scraggs charged him," the cautious Gibney replied and stepped to the rail to meet Gin Seng, for it was indeed he.

"Good!" said Godfrey, "the smoke is explained by the presence of Seng Vou; but the beasts?" "And my crocodile!" added Tartlet; "I should like some one to explain my crocodile!" William W. Kolderup seemed much embarrassed, and feeling in turn quite mystified, passed his hand over his forehead as if to clear the clouds away. "We shall know later on," he said.

The whole party were too tired to converse. "Now for bed," cried Sam, rising. "I say, Fred, what's the Norse for a bed?" "Seng," replied Fred. "Seng! what a remarkable name! Now, then, my good girl, ver so goot will you show me my seng? Good night, comrades, I'm off to ha! ha! what a musical idea to seng." "More probably to snore," observed Grant.

Her house is called, "ka iing seng" and it is here that the members of the family assemble to witness her performance of the family ceremonies. Hers is, therefore, the largest share of the family property, because it is she whose duty it is to perform the family ceremonies, and propitiate the family ancestors.

A lucky day having been thus ascertained, the bones and ashes are brought to the iing seng, or clan puja-house, the bones of males and females being kept in separate bundles wrapped in white cloth, two women of the clan reverently carrying them in their arms, bidding the bundles of hones to their breasts. One female carries the bones of the males and the other those of the females.

"Seng Vou," answered the Chinese, whose name in the Celestial language signifies "he who does not live." "And what are you doing on board here?" "I am out for a sail!" coolly answered Seng Vou, "but am doing you as little harm as I can." "Really! as little harm! and you stowed yourself away in the hold when we started?" "Just so, captain."

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