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The challenge was so startlingly sudden, that Landauer had no answer ready to give, but with rage and mortification expressed in every feature he fumbled in his pocket for a card. At last he drew one out, and with all the bombast he could summon on the spur of the moment, he scribbled the name of a friend upon it, and threw it on the table.

Septimus Barmby was roused by Mr. Peridon, with a scribbled message from Victor, which he deciphered by candlelight held close to the sheet of paper, between short inquiries and communications, losing more and more the sense of it as his intelligence became aware of what dread blow had befallen the stricken man. He was bidden come to fulfil his promise instantly.

John tore off the cleanest end and, with the curving side of the bottle for a writing board, scribbled a laborious note. "Lat 57, Long 64," he began, remembering the inevitable heading of the missives in sea-faring novels. "Nancy Lee sank this date, August 3, 1872. All hands lost but me. Frank Smith." "What's that for?"

He turned through the pages upon which he had scribbled notes of purchases of cattle and horses and of ranch equipment, passed on to a tabulation of his men's wages, and finally stopped at a page devoted to his agreement with his friend. 'Here you are, he said when he had found it. 'Ten thousand, due on the eleventh of the month. I'm pretty near a week late on it, John, he smiled.

Algernon scribbled the written acknowledgment, which he despised himself for giving, and the receiver for taking, but was always ready to give for the money, and said, as he put the cheque in his purse: "It was this infernal fellow completely upset me. If you were worried by a bull-dog, by Jove, Ned, you'd lose your coolness. He bothered my head off.

It deals somewhat severely with Cromwell's usurpation; yet the author did not hesitate to dedicate it to that remarkable man, who, after carefully reading it, gave it back to his daughter, Lady Claypole, with the remark, full of characteristic bluntness, that "the gentleman need not think to cheat him of his power and authority; for what he had won with the sword he would never suffer himself to be scribbled out of."

When I have thoroughly learnt how to Time-travel I will go back much further perhaps to the French Revolution, and watch people being guillotined." She scribbled diligently in the thick exercise-book, which Aunt Mary produced without once asking what it was wanted for. "It just shows " Mollie murmured gratefully; "some people would have teased me to death."

But, as a question of business, may we call the fortune considerable? 'Most people do. It runs into six figures. Merton, who had no mathematical head, scribbled on a piece of paper. 'Certainly it is very considerable, Merton said, after a few minutes passed in arithmetical calculation. 'Am I too curious if I ask what is the source of this opulence?

Consumed by sensual ardor as if by some love philter, she scribbled a few words on a piece of paper the eternal formula that women write on such occasions: "A carriage will be waiting for you at the stage door after the performance An unknown woman who adores you." And then she gave it to a box opener, who handed it to the Montefiore who was the champion pistol shot.

Such a writing may consist merely of a piece of paper scribbled over with the name of God, or with some sentence from the Korán, such as, "And only God is the Healer," repeated many times, or in special cases it may contain a whole series of pious expressions and meaningless incantations.