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He paused on the edge of the curb long enough for an automobile to pass, then went on across Thirty-fourth Street to the uptown side and, turning flatly, looked Mr. Birnes over pensively, after which he leaned up against an electric-light pole and scribbled something on an envelope. A closed cab came wriggling and squirming up Fifth Avenue. As it reached the middle of Thirty-fourth Street Mr.

But what does this plant mean?" She opens the envelope with disdainful fingers. It does not, however, contain a letter, after all. It is only a verse scribbled on a card: "If you will touch, and take, and pardon, What I can give; Take this, a flower, into your garden, And bid it live." Neither of them speaks for a moment. "It is a pretty message," says Margaret at last. "Yes."

"Have you engaged a lawyer for Wednesday" "No. Why should I? My hands are clean." "But your clothes may suffer if enough mud is slung at you. Wire to this man in the morning, and mention my name Winter, of course, not Franklin." "Codlin's your friend, not Short," said Hart. "Sorry. It's a time-worn jape, but it fitted in admirably." The detective scribbled a name and address on a card.

In the English class, on the following day, four girls sat very demurely in the back row, their eyes riveted on their books. But their agitation passed unnoticed; Miss Gray's attention was fixed upon the little square box that was brought to her. Jerry had a moment of panic. She scribbled on the top of a page in her text-book: "What if she's angry?"

Her temper and her ways, Mrs. H. says, are like mine, as well as her features: she will make, in that case, a manageable young lady. I have never heard anything of Ada, the little Electra of my Mycenae. But there will come a day of reckoning, even if I should not live to see it. What a long letter I have scribbled. Yours &c. P.S. Here, as in Greece, they strew flowers on the tombs.

Then, as if struck by some happy thought, he scribbled down a title quickly and paused. In a moment more he wrote again, and soon one whole paragraph was done. The five minutes having elapsed, the doctor emerged from the gloom and came up to see what progress had been made.

He took a card from his pocket-book and scribbled something on it. "When you get to Port Vigor," he said, "show this at the jail and I don't think you'll have any trouble. I happen to know the people there." So after a hand-shake all round I went on again, much cheered by this friendly little incident.

Streets outside the government buildings were filled from building-wall to building-wall by clerks drafted to staff the incredible, arbitrary government set up on its tributary worlds by Mekin. Bors scribbled a list of buildings to be ranged on. The map from the spaceport office would help.

I find it recorded in my notebook that it was a bleak and windy day towards the end of March in the year 1892. Holmes had received a telegram while we sat at our lunch, and he had scribbled a reply. He made no remark, but the matter remained in his thoughts, for he stood in front of the fire afterwards with a thoughtful face, smoking his pipe, and casting an occasional glance at the message.

"You will let me know immediately you have definite news?" "Immediately, Miss Thurwell. You may rely upon that. Good-morning!" He closed the door after her, and, returning to his seat, scribbled something on a piece of paper. Then he rang the bell. "Is Morrison about?" he asked the boy. "Been in and gone. Round at the Golden Sun, if wanted."