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A simple, adapted version of Robinson Crusoe is used in some schools as a second reader. From time immemorial choice selections of prose and verse have formed the staple of our readers above the third. But generally these selections are scrappy or fragmentary. Few of the great masterpieces have been used because most of them are supposed to be too long.

It would be a long story and it is of no importance to tell you how I came to be dining for I am no particular friend of his with a man who thought he combined elegance with economy, but who appeared to me to be both mean and lavish, for he set the best dishes before himself and a few others and treated the rest to cheap and scrappy food.

Lewes bowed with a set, stern, self-conscious expression, as though to convey to all that his celebrity was more of a weight than a pleasure to him. Mrs. de Vere Carter bridled and fluttered, for Fiddle Strings had a society column and a page of scrappy "News of the Town," and Mrs. de Vere Carter's greatest ambition was to see her name in print. Mr.

Moreover she's not so pretty as you make her out; she has a scrappy little figure." "No doubt; but one doesn't in the least notice it." "Not now," said Mrs. Meldrum, "but one will when she's older." "When she's older she'll be a princess, so it won't matter." "She has other drawbacks," my companion went on.

It was quite a large parcel, and it was packed, as the advertisement said it would be, 'free from observation. That means it was in a box; and inside the box was some stiff browny cardboard, crinkled like the galvanized iron on the tops of chicken-houses, and inside that was a lot of paper, some of it printed and some scrappy, and in the very middle of it all a bottle, not very large, and black, and sealed on the top of the cork with yellow sealing-wax.

Marshaling his facts, he planned briefly how he would make use of them, and finally began to draw scrappy mental pen-pictures of the usurping Mary Thorne. She would be tall, probably, and raw-boned that domineering, "bossy" type he always associated with women who assumed men's jobs harsh-voiced and more than a trifle hard.

Emerson speaks of Swedenborg's faculties working with astronomic punctuality, and this would apply to Purcell's musical faculties. Take a scrappy composer, a short-breathed one such as Grieg: he wrote within concise and very definite forms; yet the order of many passages might be reversed, and no one not knowing the original would be a penny the wiser or the worse. There is no development.

That's right; buckle it on." Tom obeyed, and the rough scrappy harness was fixed in its place, while Solomon twitched his ears and rolled them round as if trying to pick up news in any direction. "He won't kick now, will he?" said Tom. "Not unless he feels a fly on his back, and then he'll try to kick it off." "Why, he couldn't kick a fly off his back if he tried," said Tom.

Artistically their mind was scrappy, and every one knew it, but perhaps thought itself, history, and nature, were scrappy, and ought to be studied so. Turning from British art to British literature, one met the same dangers. The historical school was a playground of traps and pitfalls. Fatally one fell into the sink of history antiquarianism.

The avocat and his daughter lived quietly in the old place, hoping, after a general fashion, for better times, but not finding the present very bad; the father becoming day by day more pleasant with his bargain, the daughter growing fonder of the great house, and the noble bocages, of the scrappy little vineyards, struggling for existence on the sunny hill-side, and the place where the famous shrine had been.