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Updated: August 10, 2024

Andrews, where, what with his professorship and principalship together, one would have thought that he had his hands full enough, he yet stipulated with the Assembly that he should be allowed to preach regularly every Sabbath-day.

Till this time I never had distinguished the Sabbath-day; but now made a longer notch than ordinary for the days of rest, and divided the weeks as well as I could, though I found I had lost a day or two in my account. My ink failing soon after, I omitted in my daily memorandum things of an indifferent nature, & contented myself to write down only the most remarkable events of my life.

Then John held his mother's and sister's hands a moment, and there was such virtue in the clasp, and such light and trust in their faces, that it was impossible for him not to catch hope from them. Suddenly Bailie Tulloch noticed that John was in his Sabbath-day clothes. In itself this was not remarkable on a Saturday night.

He had many long, earnest, and serious meditations in that silent forest, such as a youth would be very unlikely to have in almost any other circumstances, except, perhaps, on a sick-bed; and among other things he had been led to consider that if he made no difference between Saturday and Sunday, he must certainly be breaking that commandment; so he resolved thenceforth to rest on the Sabbath-day; and he found much benefit, both to mind and body, from this arrangement.

"'Second: Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath-day. "'Third: That shalt not make to thyself no, hang it no! I'm out that's the Second very right. Third: Honor thy father and thy mother you understand that, Mick? It means that you are bound to to just so to honor your father and your mother, poor woman. "'My father God be good to him! is dead near fourteen years, sir, replied Mick.

Add to these some of their tenets and opinions, which are so absurd and extravagant, that the wildest fancies of the Stoicks which they so much disdain and decry as paradoxes, seem in comparison just and rational; as their maintaining, that it is a less aggravating fault to kill a hundred men, than for a poor cobbler to set a stitch on the sabbath-day; or, that it is more justifiable to do the greatest injury imaginable to others, than to tell the least lie ourselves.

I do like to see a man not ashamed to show his colours." The flag to which they referred is supplied at half cost to the fleet by the Mission to Deep-Sea Fishermen and is hoisted every Sabbath-day by those skippers in the fleet who, having made up their minds boldly to accept all the consequences of the step, have come out decidedly on the Lord's side.

Everybody is lazy on Sunday morning. But there will be an hour or two before lunch yet. I have brought our friend `Jeanie. There will be time for a chapter or two." Christie looked up with an expression of surprise and doubt on her face. "Jeanie Deans, is it? But it is the Sabbath-day!" Miss Gertrude laughed. "Well, what if it is? I'm sure there is no harm in the book.

Therefore I am decided, that we give no unnecessary disquietude to those who from the heathen have turned to God: but that we write to them, that they abstain from pollutions of idol sacrifices, and from whoredom, and from what is strangled, and from blood. For Moses for ages past in every city hath those who preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath-day.

It was on the Sabbath-day, while engaged in our usual exercises, that a messenger came in and informed the elders in great haste that there was something uncommon going on in the girls' department. The elders brought our meeting to a close as soon as circumstances would admit, and went over to witness the singular and strange phenomena.

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