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When 'Doby emerges he confirms them beliefs of Billy's; it's a kid shore-'nough. "'Boy or girl? says Billy. "'Boy, says 'Doby. "'Which I shorely quits you cold if it's a girl; says Billy. 'As it is, I stands by you in your troubles. I ain't none s'prised at your luck, 'Doby, goes on Billy. ` I half foresees some sech racket as this the minute you gets married. However, if it's a boy she goes.

He could not see any of the bunch; but then, he could not see any brakes growing anywhere, either. The bunch was down in the brakes he had heard that often enough to get it fixed firmly in his mind. Well, when he came to where the brakes grew and he would know them, all right, when he saw them! he would find the bunch. He thought they'd be s'prised to see him ride up!

Rosanna picked up her cape and a thermos bottle and skipped down the broad steps after the house boy, who carried the heavy lunch hamper. "Never you mind, Minnie," she said. "Wouldn't you be s'prised to see us eat every bit of it?" "No, I wouldn't," said Minnie firmly. "I'd be scared."

I didn't think o' bein' mean that way, but when I heard Rhymin' Joe tell you 'at I wasn't Robert Burnham's son, I was so s'prised, an' scart-like 'at I couldn't speak." This was a little more than Sharpman wanted, but he kept on: "How long were you under the control of this spirit of muteness?" "Sir?" "How long was it before the power to speak returned to you?"

Was you s'prised, Doctor Dell?" Doctor Dell did not say. Doctor Dell was kneeling on the porch floor with the Kid held closer in her arms than ever he held the cat, and she was crying and laughing and kissing him all at once though nobody except a mother can perform that feat.

President, connected with them last six votes that you took over body and britches this noon. And I kin prove every item of it.... With the folks around the state feelin' like they do, I shouldn't be s'prised if I could make a heap of trouble." President Castle was a big man or he would not hold the position that was his. He knew when a fight was over. "You win," he said, tersely. "Name it."

How dared she come back to my office?... Now she'll go with Curtis." "Shouldn't be s'prised," said Scattergood, waggling his head. "I heard Farley a-pointin' out to her the dee-sirability of Paris and Rome and sich European p'ints last night.... You calculate Sairy took the paper?" "What else can I think?"

I wouldn't be s'prised if she close herded yuh fer a spell till her scare wears off. Bu I've hung around these parts long enough. I fooled them sheriffs a-plenty, stayin' here. Gee! you'r' swift I don't think!" This last sentence was directed at Keith, who was putting a snail to shame, and making it appear he was in a hurry. "Git a move on!" commanded Kelly, threatening with his eyes.

He use to be bery sweet on Missy. He mus' be taken wid some Norvern gal, and dat's 'nuff fer me. Ef he lebe my honey lam' now she so po', dar's a bad streak in his blood and he don' 'long to us any mo'. I wouldn't be s'prised ef dey hadn't had a squar meal fer a fortnight.

'No, father, said she, 'it was the song they sing in Shire-Carnarvon about the golden cloud over Snowdon and the spirits of the air. 'Yes, said Tom, 'but a little time ago you were singing a Gypsy song a downright heathen Gypsy song. I heard it about half an hour ago when I was in the church. The beautiful little head drooped in shame. 'I'm s'prised at you, Winifred.