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All for Love, one of Dryden's greatest plays, shows the delicate keenness of his satire in characterizing the cold-blooded Augustus Caesar, or Octavius, as he is there called. Antony has sent a challenge to Octavius, who replies that he has more ways than one to die. Antony rejoins: "He has more ways than one; But he would choose them all before that one. Ventidius.

King to which you have gone on such and such an occasion? He replies with perfect truth, 'I do not know. Believe me this little device is quite in your own interest, M. Gaston." "But when again I feel myself compelled to resort to the solace of the pipe, how then?" "So simple! You will step to the telephone and ask for this number: East 18642. You will then ask for Mr.

"That is not the question," he replies, in a voice so exceedingly stern, so absolutely different from any thing I have ever hitherto contemplated as possible in my gentle, genial Roger, that again, to the depths of my soul, I quail; how could I ever, in wildest dreams, have thought I should dare to tell him?

To this the next Sutra replies. The Self, on account of subject-matter. The subject-matter of the whole section shows that by the Self manifesting itself in its own form there is meant the Self as possessing the attributes of freedom from all evil and sin and so on.

Charity and a good heart have gone with you always." "Do you mean that a man is an infidel because he cannot say, as Louis Trudel said to me, 'Do you believe in God? and replies, as I replied, 'God knows! Is that infidelity? If God is God, He alone knows when the mind or the tongue can answer in the terms of that faith which you profess.

"You are a vixen, a vixen!" Mr. Tulkinghorn seems to meditate as he looks distrustfully at her, then he replies, "Well, wench, well. I paid you." "You paid me!" she repeats with fierce disdain. "Two sovereign! I have not change them, I re-fuse them, I des-pise them, I throw them from me!"

She tried a little examination afterwards, but not one answer was to be extracted from Sophy, and Lucy knew far less than the first class at Fairmead, and made her replies wide of the mark, with an air of satisfaction that nearly overthrew the young step-mother's patience. When Albinia took her Bible upstairs, she gave Sophy time to say what Lucy reported instantly on her entrance.

No matter how circuitous may be the route by which you may have reached a certain locality, an Indian will find his way back to the place of starting by the most direct route, though it be in the darkest night; and, if you ask him how he does it, if he replies to your question at all, he will simply shrug his shoulders and say, "Quien sabe?" or who knows.

I made my replies in brief and stately dignity; or at least as much of the latter as I could command, but he was not easily repulsed. Feeling so secure and sheltered now, my thoughts went out to the unprotected of my sex cast among the evil and heartless, to fight their way purely amid bleakness and sin. I shuddered unconsciously. Mr. Winthrop turned to me. "Are you cold?" he asked.

He seizes, not upon some faculty of genii given but to few, but upon that ready impulse of heart which is given to us all; and in saying, 'Love one another, 'Bear ye one another's burdens, he elevates the most delightful of our emotions into the most sacred of His laws. The lawyer asks our Lord, 'Who is my neighbour? Our Lord replies by the parable of the good Samaritan.