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In a few minutes the two hen-coops were placed face to face and lashed firmly together, despite the remonstrative poultry. Then the main-hatch was laid upon the top, and fixed there by means of the iron rings at its four corners.

"Ah, Bladud, my young friend, that is an undutiful speech for a son to make about his parents," said the chief, holding up a remonstrative forefinger. "If that is the way you treat your natural parents, how can I expect that that I mean " Here the chief was seized with a fit of sneezing, so violent, that it made the prince quite concerned about the safety of his nose.

Paul and his father had each, with a shout of surprise or alarm, rushed for the same point, but they would have been too late. "Olly, my son," said Trench, in a remonstrative tone, "have you gone mad?" "No, father; I knew that I could not jump it, but I've been advised never to say so till I have tried!" "Nay, Oliver, be just," said the guide, with a laugh.

A "dog's life" has become a synonym for suffering; nor does the associating him with another domestic animal (if a second proverbial expression may be trusted) appear to mend his condition; but ill as he may fare with the cat, his position is less enviable when man is co-partner in the ménage, against whose kicks and hard usage should he venture upon the lowest remonstrative growl, he is sure to receive a double portion of both for his pains; and thus it has ever been, for the condition of a dog cannot have changed materially since the creation. Being naturally domestic in his habits, he was born to that contumely "which patient merit from the unworthy takes," and can never have known a golden age. "Croyez-vous," (demanda quelqu'un

"O Peetoot!" exclaimed Edith, in a remonstrative tone, as the sledge swayed to and fro with the rate at which they were sweeping over the plain, "don't drive so fast; you will kill the poor dogs!" "Ho! ho! ho-o-o! Eeduck!" roared the boy, aiming a shot at the leader's left ear, and bringing the thick end of the whip down on the flanks of the six hindmost dogs.

To our astonishment, the great creature does nothing but stand still, hold himself up, and roar yes, roar; a long, serious, remonstrative roar. How is this? Bob and I are up to them. He is muzzled!

"You hought to 'ave a mo' larger sto' an' some clerque," pursued Aurora. The apothecary answered that he was contemplating the enlargement of his present place or removal to a roomier, and that he had already employed an assistant. "Oo it is, 'Sieur Frowenfel'?" Clotilde turned toward the questioner a remonstrative glance.

With its usual remonstrative mew it fled and found a place of rest and refuge in the coal-box. "But it's not to the Post-Office we're goin', grannie," said Phil, laying his hand kindly on the old woman's shoulder. "What o' that? what o' that?" she exclaimed somewhat testily at being corrected, "has that onything to dae wi' the argiment?

Soon both ponies and boys vanish in a white whirl, and a long line of carts, which had evidently waited for the dust to subside, comes slowly up the incline. For the most part they carry the pigs and fowls, carriage folk of the road. The latter are hot, crowded, and dusty under the open netting; the former for the most part cheerfully remonstrative.

Indeed, you have a little of it yourself," said the hermit with one of his twinkling glances. "When you are almost terrified of your wits don't you pretend that there's nothing the matter with you?" "Nebber, massa, nebber!" answered the negro with remonstrative gravity.