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"Hooray!" cried Billy faintly, as he jumped up and went to the stern, where his father soon produced the biscuit-bag and measured out the two small portions. "Cheatin' again, daddy," cried the Bu'ster with a remonstrative tone and look. "No, I ain't," said Gaff sharply, "eat yer supper, you scamp." Billy obeyed with alacrity, and disposed of his portion in three mouthfuls.

But Spinkie did not seem to perceive the necessity, for he clung closer to his master with a remonstrative croak. "Get down, Spinkie," said the hermit firmly, "and watch the canoe." The poor beast had apparently learned that Medo-Persic law was not more unchangeable than Van der Kemp's commands!

Indeed, you have a little of it yourself," said the hermit with one of his twinkling glances. "When you are almost terrified out of your wits don't you pretend that there's nothing the matter with you?" "Nebber, massa, nebber!" answered the negro with remonstrative gravity.

Do you state the cons, and I'll enumerate the pros, after which we will close the account, and see on which side the balance lies." "You know, dear," said Mrs Sudberry, in a remonstrative tone, "that the journey is fearfully long. I almost tremble when I think of it.

"What's all this excitement about Martha? Who is she, anyway?" "Why, don't you know!" Cordelia sweetly asked him, and drawing a full breath she added: "Martha is your future wife " If you had been there, you would have been pardoned for thinking that the last of the Spencers had suddenly discovered that he was sitting upon a remonstrative bee.

"Burglars never thunder like that, auntie," suggested Rose, as she hastily threw on her garments. Miss Millet admitted the force of the argument and then, somewhat relieved, concluded that it must be tipsy men. Under this impression she raised the window-sash her bedroom being on the upper floor and looked timidly out. "Go away, bad, naughty men!" she said, in a remonstrative tone.

The child gave vent to a deep, broken sigh of relief, and threw her right arm round his neck, but the single word "Ailie," uttered in a remonstrative tone, caused her to draw it quickly back and again grasp her breast.

"If these squawkin' things would hold their noise, you'd hear better," growled the Captain before repeating the question. His uncourteous remark had reference to a cloud of gulls which circled round and followed the boats with remonstrative cries and astonished looks. "It's beast," shouted Anders, "not knows his name in Ingliss."

And apparently, according to the wording and emphasis of the letter, it was the mature age of the marquis which made Mr. Beauchamp so particularly desirous to stop the projected marriage and take the girl himself. He appealed to his uncle on the subject in a 'really really' remonstrative tone, quite overwhelming to read.

At first there occurred a slight trembling of the earth, which the widow, attributing to giddiness in her own cranium, recognised with a remonstrative "Ohone!" "Did you feel that?" exclaimed Pauline, pausing in her work and looking up with a slight feeling of alarm. "What, dearie?" demanded the widow, clearing the soap-suds from her red roly-poly arms.