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She dropped her jaw, and stared. "No fight a little?" she gasped. "No scream quite small?" "No, I tell you." He ran on and joined the Colonel. Muckluck stood several moments rooted in amazement. Yagorsha had called the rest of the Pymeuts out, for these queer guests of theirs were evidently going at last. They all said "Goo'-bye" with great goodwill.

"Now, the Pymeuts are going in a week or two, Nicholas said, to hunt caribou in the hills." "Yes." "But they won't take you to hunt caribou. No; they leave you at home. It's exactly the same with Orange Groves. No nice girl ever goes hunting." Her lip trembled. "Me I can fish." "Course you can." His spirits were reviving. "You can do anything except hunt."

The great difficulty was the steering; but it was rip-roaring fun, the Boy said, and very soon there were natives running down to the river, to stare open-mouthed at the astounding apparition, to point and shout something unintelligible that sounded like "Muchtaravik!" "Why, it's the Pymeuts! Pardner, we'll be in Minóok by supper-ti "

"He make cross-eyes when Shamán come." "Oh yes, medicine-man," said the Boy, following the narrative eagerly. "Shamán go way," volunteered an old fellow who hitherto had held his peace; "all get sick" he coughed painfully "heap Pymeuts die." "Father Wills come." Nicholas took up the tale afresh. "Shamán come. Father Wills heap mad. He no let Shamán stay."

As it was, with the mercury rapidly rising and the wind fallen, he got the Pymeuts on the trail next day at noon, spent what was left of the night at the Kachime, and set off for camp early the following day. He arrived something of a wreck, and with an enormous respect for the Yukon trail.

When snow begin get soft, Pymeuts all go off " He motioned with his big head towards the hills. "What do you get there?" Mac was becoming interested. "Caribou, moose " "Any furs?" "Yes; trap ermun, marten " "Lynx, too, I suppose, and fox?" Nicholas nodded. "All kinds. Wolf muskrat, otter wolverine all kinds." "You got some skins now?" asked the Nova Scotian. "Y yes. More when snow get soft.

The Pymeuts knew that the great thing was to get the ice-stiffened clothes off as quickly as might be, and that is to be done expeditiously only by cutting them off. In vain the Boy protested. Recklessly they sawed and cut and stripped him, rubbed him and wrapped him in a rabbit-blanket, the fur turned inside, and a wolverine skin over that.

It was a bothering business! Again her hands fell from the wet unhappy face. She shivered a little when she met his frowning looks, and turned away. He stooped and picked up her mitten. Why, you couldn't turn a dog away on a night like this Plague take the Pymeuts, root and branch! She had shuffled her feet into her snow-shoe straps, and moved off in the dimness.

In the pause that fell thereafter, Yagorsha, imperturbable, the only one who had not laughed, smoothed his lank, iron-gray locks down on either side of his wide face, and went on renewing the sinew open-work in his snow-shoe. "When Ol' Chief's father die " All the Pymeuts chuckled afresh. The Boy listened eagerly.

He would have them to know, so highly were these present specimens of the doubtful race regarded by the Pymeuts such friends were they, that Nicholas' sister had given him this for an offering to Yukon Inua, that the Great Spirit might help them on their way. He owned himself wrong to have delayed this sacrifice.