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Before they had gone far, however, Joe halted, and said, "D'ye know, Dick, I doubt if the pup's so cliver as ye think. What if he don't quite onderstand ye?" Dick replied by taking off his cap and throwing it down, at the same time exclaiming, "Take it yonder, pup," and pointing with his hand towards the bluff.

We clutched each other in silent ecstasy. Fortunately the pup's mistress had not heard. Emboldened by success we stole forth again, and shied the second bottle. But that time Providence was against us, for, at the identical moment that the bottle hit the corner of the house and flew into a million pieces, the door opened and the dog's mistress appeared. The crash was something awful.

Blacklock heaves rocks at him like one possessed, capering an' dancing; but the pup comes right on. The Cock-eye can't stand it no longer, but lines out. But the pup's got to shore an' takes after him. Sure; why not? He think's it's all part of the game. Takes after Cock-eye, running to beat a' express, while we-all whoops and yells an' nearly falls out the trees for laffing. Hi!

Hurry, Jan I Brother Antoine is calling you back." Jan pushed among the other dogs until he stood again at the monk's side. The two strangers looked at Jan, and Brother Antoine touched the pup's head lovingly. "His father was one of our best dogs," the monk spoke. "But that was not surprising. He was a direct descendant of Barry. Four travellers owe their lives to Jan's father, Rex."

It seemed to Bladud that there was no good feeding in that place, and that the creatures were dirtying themselves with no obvious end in view, so, with the pup's rather unwilling assistance, he drove them to more favourable ground, where the acorns were abundant.

There is no wonder in that, for it is the pup's mother teaches it to fight, and women know that fighting is a necessary art although men pretend there are others that are better. These were the women druids, Bovmall and Lia Luachra. It will be wondered why his own mother did not train him in the first natural savageries of existence, but she could not do it.

Contented enough until life takes him by the scruff of the neck and shakes him up and proves to him that things change and a pup's world changes and he had better accustom himself to new standards or be shaken up again. So they sped on through the low waves while the Tower loomed nearer and taller before them.

Why they'd 'a' had to bring the whole standin' army to filch that dog away from Bill after the big doin's. Out here in Wyoming it's a test of class owners of one of Cupid's pups are first-class, others belong to the herd. It was two weeks after the accident that us four countin' Kid Porter was sittin' in exactly the same place back of the shack; only this time, Bill was pullin' the pup's ears.

So the pup will be just as welcome as Shorty will be." Shorty forgot this man was a judge, and smiled at him, asking, "What's the pup's name, please?" "He is a registered pup with a long fancy name, but we just call him 'Pup, so you can pick out a name to suit yourself." "I'm going to call him 'Prince Jan'!" announced the boy, and all agreed that it was a fine name for any pup.

They had now gained a point within ten miles of the beautiful Ohio; when the dog which, since he had had no trail to guide him, ran where he chose commenced barking spiritedly, some fifty paces to the left of the party, who immediately set off at a brisk gait to learn the cause. "I'll wager what you dare, lads, the pup's found the trail," said Boone.