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He's sure stony-broke, not being able to turn a card because of the marshal. So he goes to live in a ole cabin up by the mine ditch, and sits there doing a heap o' thinking, and hatching trouble like a' ole he-hen. "Well, now, with that deporting of Cock-eye comes his turn of bad luck, and it sure winds his clock up with a loud report.

The kid's little tin pop-shooter explodes right in his hand before he can crook his forefinger twice, and while he's a-wondering what-all has happened Cock-eye gets his two guns on him, slow and deliberate like, mind you, and throws forty-eights into him till he ain't worth shooting at no more.

I believe half of them are in the pay of the Castle." "There's no knowing," said the old man. "O, but I know it for a fact," said Mr. Henchy. "They're Castle hacks.... I don't say Hynes.... No, damn it, I think he's a stroke above that.... But there's a certain little nobleman with a cock-eye you know the patriot I'm alluding to?" Mr. O'Connor nodded.

"No," said he, "it ain't about no treasure, but just about the origin, hist'ry and development and subsequent decease of as mean a Greaser as ever stole stock, which his name was Cock-eye Blacklock. "You see, this same Blacklock went bad about two summers after our meet-up with the blizzard.

And as for you, brethren, be more watchful over your flocks, be more busy in catechising and exhorting them. And urge the duty of the covenant upon them, and when they are on foot, hold them going; lead them to the fountain and cock-eye. Lead them to the well-spring; and make meikle of them; feed the Lord's lambs, as Christ said to Peter, "If thou lovest Me, feed My sheep; lovest thou Me?

My name is Mr Peter Capon that of my friend, designated by that young gentleman as Cock-eye, is Mr Paul Contract. Will you oblige us with a boat to go on board of the frigate, that we may speak to the captain?" "Most certainly. Jump into the first cutter there. I am sorry you have been so unpleasantly situated, gentlemen. Why did not you come on deck before?"

You an' me an' 'Mary-go-round' that was what we called the marshal, him being so much all over the country 'you an' me an' Mary-go-round will have to stock a sure-thing deck against that maverick. "So the three of us gets together an' has a talky-talk, an' we lays it out as how Cock-eye must be watched and caught red-handed.

But Colonel Hugonin enjoyed them thoroughly; for, as he feelingly and frequently observed, it is an immense consolation to any man to reflect that his home no longer contains "more damn' foolishness to the square inch than any other house in the United States." On all sides they sought for Cock-eye Flinks. But they never found him, and to this day they have never found him.

Cock-eye sure ought to have got it that night, for he went bad afterward, and did a heap of killing before he did get it. He was a bad man for sure, and the way he died is a story in itself." There was a long pause. The ponies jogged on. Rounding on the herd, we turned southward. "He did 'get it' finally, you say," I prompted.

The Boss gets mad at that, and rights up the weathercock, and renames the camp Ophir, and you don't work no more pilgrims. "Well, as I was saying, Cock-eye drifts into Why-not and begins diffusing trouble. He skins some of the boys in the hotel over in town, and a big row comes of it, and one of the bed-rock cleaners cuts loose with both guns. Nobody hurt but a quarter-breed, who loses a' eye.

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