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She wrung her hands, standing there a moment. It was a brave hope that was in her heart, and a prayer on her lips never left unanswered, as she hobbled, in her lame, slow way, up to the open black door, and, with one backward look, went in. There was a dull smell of camphor; a farther sense of coolness and prickling wet on Holmes's hot, cracking face and hands; then silence and sleep again.

His right arm had no feeling in it, whether from the shot or the fall he could not determine. The numbness had become a prickling agony when he heard the Mexican splashing through the river to begin his search. Ford's field of vision was limited by the car trucks, but he kept the man in sight as he could.

Harry felt a strange prickling at the roots of his hair as the Wilderness closed in on pursuer and pursued, but it was only for a moment. The enemy far down the plank road held his attention. Many riflemen were there and they were sending back bullets, most of which fell short. Now and then a curving shell struck among the bushes, burst, and hurt no one.

"You may feel them prickling up and down your spine for a bit, while you're getting used to a new order of things at the Valley Farm," answered Mr. Brett. "And yet I don't know. I shall be enormously interested in watching the effect upon you, before I have to say good-bye." I forgot everything else he had been saying when I heard that last sentence. "Will you have to say good-bye soon?"

Then the rickety vehicle started down at an angle that forced her to cling to her seat. Carley, clutching her support, with abated breath and prickling skin, gazed in fascinated suspense over the rim of the gorge. Sometimes the wheels on that side of the vehicle passed within a few inches of the edge.

For a feeling of utter numbness shot through him, paralysing every movement; while, prickling and stinging, every fibre of his frame literally quivered as he lay there in despair, feeling that all his planning had been in vain, and that now the time had arrived when he might carry out his attempt in safety the power of movement had absolutely gone.

She nodded, adding: "But that didn't make no differ'; I had to come anyway. He run me out, paw did." "Heavens!" ejaculated Tom, prickling now with a new sensation. "And you haven't any place to stay?" She shook her head. "No. I was allowin' maybe your paw'd let me sleep where you-uns keep the hawsses jest for a little spell till I could make out what-all I'm goin' to do."

She was conscious of a crowd collecting in the doorway; there suddenly seemed to be millions of people in the store rude, pushing, chortling phantoms as in some dreadful nightmare. Hot, prickling waves began to wash over her. They were laughing at her. Spurred by the vulgar guffaws she gave another frantic tug Oh, dear heaven!

During the night, the fullness, numbness, and prickling were much increased. The appetite had been diminished for several weeks; and the abdomen, on being examined, felt as though containing considerable accumulation. Before adopting any other measures, and as there appeared to be no marks of vascular fulness, it was determined to empty the bowels.

Slowly she felt the blood recede from her face, prickling her kin down below her neck. That name locked her thought. "Ellen, it's a mighty queer story too queer to be a lie," went on Sprague. "Now you listen! Evarts got this from Ted Meeker. An' Ted Meeker heerd it from Greaves, who didn't die till the next day after Jean Isbel knifed him.