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Updated: August 14, 2024

She ought not to be alone while the search is going on. She wanted to be actually present at it, didn't she, Gerald?" The young man nodded. "Yes, but Daisy and I persuaded her that that was not necessary, that I would be there for her. It seems that Mr. Dampier had a very large portmanteau with him. She is sure that the Poulains have got it hidden away."

Dampier's account of herself is true so far as you've been able to ascertain such a fact in a few minutes' conversation with an unknown man over the telephone but that does not affect my good opinion of the Poulains." And on this the father and son parted, for the first time in their joint lives, seriously at odds the one with the other. "Give you an introduction to our Prefect of Police?

But the Senator loved his son all the better for his chivalrous interest in poor Mrs. Dampier. It wasn't every young man who would have put everything aside in the way of interest, of amusement, and of pleasure in such a city as Paris, for the sake of an entire stranger. As to Gerald's view of the Poulains, that again was natural.

"I now understand your view," said the Senator gravely. "But even if it be the true solution, it does not explain the inexplicable difference between Mrs. Dampier's statement and that of the Poulains I mean, their statements as to what happened the night Mr. and Mrs. Dampier arrived in Paris." "No," said the lawyer reluctantly.

"If only the Poulains would allow me to see where Jack slept last night!" she cried, bursting into tears. "But oh, everything is made so much more difficult by their extraordinary assertion that he never came here at all! You see he had quite a large portmanteau with him, and I can't possibly tell which of his suits he put on this morning."

And her youth, her beauty, her expression of pitiful distress had touched the Senator, though it had not shaken his belief in the Poulains' story. He did however assure her, very kindly and courteously, that he grudged no time spent in her service.

"No," she said reluctantly. "We only saw Mrs. Dampier and the Poulains, father they were all in the room together. You see, we were outside on the dark staircase, and just stopped for a minute on the landing to say good-night to the Poulains, and to tell them that we had come in." "I suppose, Mrs. Dampier, that by then your husband had already gone to his room?"

Why, I expect your husband just went out to see a friend and got kept somehow. If it wasn't for those stupid Poulains' mistake about last night you wouldn't feel really worried, now would you?" Nancy dabbed her eyes. She felt ashamed of being caught crying by these kind people. "I know I'm being silly!" she gasped. "You must forgive me!

Dampier " Senator Burton turned, and looking down into her agitated face, spoke gently and kindly "though I quite admit to you these people's conduct must seem inexplicable, I feel sure you are wronging the Poulains. They are very worthy, respectable folk I've known them long enough to vouch for that fact.

"Have you any theory, Gerald" the Senator hesitated, "to account for the extraordinary discrepancy between the Poulains' story and what Mrs. Dampier asserts to be the case?" "Yes, father, I have a quite definite theory. I believe the Poulains are lying." The young man leant forward across the round table.

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