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I reckon he don't try it on much with father." "Your fawther ain't ever been a perfessor," her mother interposed; "but he's always been a good church-goin' man." "Not since we come to New York," retorted the girl. "He's been all broke up since he come to New York," said the old woman, with an aggrieved look. Mrs. Mandel attempted a diversion.

Good land! it wuz most enough to get a perfessor and a member of the W.C.T.U. to smokin'. But I wuzn't to be enticed; I sort o' waved it off graceful and drinked a little coffee, which wuz good, and if you'll believe it the little holders that held our cups wuz all covered with diamonds.

But Miss Estelle's got so she runs that hull house now, and the perfessor too, but he don't know it, Biddy says, and her a-saying every now and then it was too bad Frederick couldn't of married a noble woman who would of took a serious intrust in his work. The kids don't hardly dare to kiss their ma in front of Miss Estelle no more, on account of germs and things.

"Pa, it r'aly seems to me that for a vain creetur in a fleetin' world, and a perfessor besides, there'd ought to be more things to talk about than beans!" Grandpa Keeler sighed still more deeply, gazed wistfully towards the barn, as though he would fain have shuffled out in that direction; but the weather being so warm, he refrained.

I wouldn't have Cornelius Jr. go to Chicago if the Fair is open Sundays, not for a world full of gold. For," sez she, "I feel as if it would be the ruin of him." "Why?" sez Miss Cork. "You ask why? You a woman and a perfessor?" "Yes," sez Arvilly "why?" Sez Miss Cork, "It would take away all his reverence for the Sabbath, and the God who appointed that holy day of rest.

He was scared, Henry was. "But YOU know which is which," Jane sings out. "The thing's not fair!" "That is the reason my dear Jane is going to shuffle these pills around each other herself," says the perfessor, "and then pick out one for him and one for me. YOU don't know which is which, Jane. And as he is the favourite, he is going to get the first chance.

"I refuse to be a party to any murder of that kind." "Huh? You do?" says the perfessor. "But the time when you might have refused has gone by. You have made yourself a party to it already. You're really the MAIN party to it. "But do as you like," he goes on. "I'm giving him more chance than I ought to with those pills.

Him an' the girl used to meet I know that fer sure. Uh course I ain't sayin' anything but they's two lost er none, you take it from me." The driver grunted and seemed to meditate upon the matter. "What did that perfessor wade clear down to Marston through the storm for, and report her lost, if she ain't lost?" "He come down to see if she'd took the train las' night. That's what he come for.

He looked at it from a chronological rather than a genealogical standpoint, and, strange to say, the familiar phrase had never been heard by him before. Uncle Joe joined the Church. He was sincere in his profession. The proof was found in the fact that he quit dancing. No more "pigeon wings," "double-shuffles," or "breakdowns," for him he was a "perfessor."

The pause was not long, however. "Would I consider Wellmouth Development a good thing for you to put your money in? "Ah yes. Would you?" "Say, Perfessor, you listen to me. I know all about Wellmouth Development. You've come to the right place. You listen." Galusha listened, listened for a long time. The red of the Pulcifer cigar tip died out and that of the Pulcifer face brightened.