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The other was tall, slim, with a face as red as flame, and an expression of fierce keenness. He was stoop shouldered, yet he held his head erect in a manner that suggested a wolf scenting blood. "Someone here, Pearce," boomed the big man. "Why, Gul, if it ain't a girl!" Joan moved out of the shadow of the wall of the cabin, and she pointed to the prostrate figure on the blankets.

He 'ardly got a chance of speaking to Alf next day, Mrs. Pearce being 'ere, there, and everywhere, as the saying is, and finding so many little odd jobs for Alf to do that there was no time for talking. But the day arter he sidled up to 'im when the 'ouse-keeper was out of the room and asked 'im whether he 'ad bought the chocolates.

"Tell me!" whispered Joan, and she leaned against those lips. "It was early to-night at the Nugget. I dropped in as usual. Kells was playing faro again with that gambler they call Flash. He's won a lot of Kells's gold a crooked gambler. I looked on. And some of the gang were there Pearce, Blicky, Handy Oliver, and of course Gulden, but all separated. Kells was losing and sore. But he was game.

"Come, Pearce!" he cried loudly, "I can see that you do not share my views; but for my own part I shall return to-morrow and devote further attention to the phenomena." Extinguishing the light, he walked out into the hall-way, carrying the grip in his hand. I was not far behind him. We walked toward the door together, and "Turn the light out, Pearce," directed Smith; "the switch is at your elbow.

Away the boats dashed, at a rate boats always do move pulled by British seamen when a prize is to be taken. The Frenchmen worked their guns bravely. A shot disabled the leading boat. Pearce, sitting by Fitzgibbon's side, heard a deep groan, and before he could even look up the master's mate fell forward, shot through the head. His boat took the lead.

Marshman to his side, while his apostolic charity so developed and used all that was good in Thomas and Fountain, that not even in the churches of John and James, Peter and Paul, Barnabas and Luke, was there such a brotherhood. When troubles came from outside he won to himself the younger brethren, Yates and Pearce, and healed half the schism which Andrew Fuller's successors made.

Suppose Captain Pearce come in and find you all staring out window. He kick up nice bobbery." Thus admonished as to their duty, two of the negroes took up their muskets and stood with their backs to the door, with their eyes fixed on the prisoner with such earnestness that Vincent could not suppress a smile. The negroes grinned responsively.

Alice did not say as much as her father, but Pearce believed from the expression of her countenance that she willingly seconded her father's invitation. Still he knew that the familiar intercourse which had been so delightful to him on board must come to an end. "What can she ever be to me more than she is at present?" he exclaimed to himself.

"Do you know a miner named Creede?" asked Kells, rapidly. "A husky chap, short, broad, something like Gulden for shape, only not so big fellow with a fierce red beard?" asked Cleve. "I never saw him," replied Kells. "But Pearce has. How does Cleve's description fit Creede?" "He's got his man spotted," answered Pearce. "All right, that's settled," went on Kells, warming to his subject.

Alice did not say as much as her father, but Pearce believed from the expression of her countenance that she willingly seconded her father's invitation. Still he knew that the familiar intercourse which had been so delightful to him on board must come to an end. "What can she ever be to me more than she is at present?" he exclaimed to himself.