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Updated: August 19, 2024

She come in when I was tryin' t' kiss" his finger indicated Rose-Marie, "her. Lily got in th' way. So I kicked out hard then she," he gulped back a shudder, "she yelled!" Ella was suddenly galvanized into action. She was on her feet, with one lithe, pantherlike movement the child held tight in her arms. "Yer kicked her," she said softly and the gentleness of her voice was ominous. "Yer kicked her!

Yet pantherlike, he swiftly padded six paces to the left, never lifting his eyes from his antagonist. Buck waited, motionless. "Are you ready?" The outlaw's weapon flashed to the level and cracked. Almost simultaneously the other answered. Weaver felt a bullet fan his cheek, but he knew that his own had crashed home. The shock of it swung Healy half round.

Pantherlike he climbed up the steep creek sides without hesitation, for the round-up had taught him never to falter at stiff going so long as his rider put him at it. It was while he was clambering out of the sheer sides of a wash that Bannister made a discovery. The man he pursued was wounded.

My fingers clutched at the butt, and slowly I began to withdraw it till I had it safe in the shadow of my pocket. My enemy did not know that I was left-handed. He fitted a second arrow to his bow, while his lips curved maliciously. All the demoniac, pantherlike cruelty of his race looked at me out of his deep eyes.

As he goes, he throws off the effeminacy of civilisation; his gait becomes lithe and pantherlike; he looks quickly and keenly from side to side, and moves noiselessly, for he has so many enemies dogs, cabmen with whips, and small boys with stones.

That finished, the Hawk wheeled, and at once, pantherlike, ray-guns at the ready, stalked the room. There was no sign of the enemy. He approached the operating table. A great relief flooded his grim face as he sighted Eliot Leithgow lying there, apparently untouched and still conscious. The elderly scientist was strapped down tight, but he was smiling.

Winning a way past us before any of us could raise a hand to stay him. There was something so pantherlike in the movement, something so unhuman, that it seemed to sober us all from the shock of his coming. The first to act was Harker, who with a quick movement, threw himself before the door leading into the room in the front of the house.

There was something primitive about the action, something which caused my heart to throb as I watched him take the pantherlike spring. On the previous evening the youngster had expressed a desire to throttle Leith, and the same desire had gripped him when he watched the leg come through the vines.

Swiftly the man across the aisle reached for his bundle, tore it open, and plucked from it a long-barrelled, flat-handled, venomous automatic pistol and a box of cartridges. He slid out the clip, snapped it back, and went down the car in long pantherlike bounds, bending half double. Up forward the shooting, which had ceased, began again.

Here a cutlas-beaked bird, spotlighted for an instant, froze into surprised immobility with the pasty, bloated worm it had seized twisting and dangling from its mouth, to flap squawking away as the ray glided on: there the coils of a seekan, in ambush on a tree limb, glittered crimson for the sudden moment of illumination; or a nameless huge-eyed pantherlike creature was glimpsed as it clawed at a nest of unfledged haris, while the frantic, screaming mother beat at it with wings and claws....

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