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Updated: August 12, 2024

'Vunce upon a time there wos a young hairdresser as opened a wery smart little shop vith four wax dummies in the winder, two gen'lmen and two ladies the gen'lmen vith blue dots for their beards, wery large viskers, oudacious heads of hair, uncommon clear eyes, and nostrils of amazin' pinkness; the ladies vith their heads o' one side, their right forefingers on their lips, and their forms deweloped beautiful, in vich last respect they had the adwantage over the gen'lmen, as wasn't allowed but wery little shoulder, and terminated rayther abrupt in fancy drapery.

"Well, that was most fortunate," he mused, "for Zack has been a very upright husband." The old woman bristled. Glaring at him she said in a low voice: "Upright ain' so diffe'nt from downright! You knows how oudacious he done treat me 'bout dat 'surance!" "Oh, yes, you mean about that policy!"

"You oudacious boy! that's the way you're spoiled by foolish people giving you money." "Good bye, mother." So saying, I leaped over the board fixed up at the door, and was again down at the beach.

"I beant one bit afeard of them two, but I am of that Mrs. Hargrave; and it crossed my mind, when I heerd her shrieking and squalling for you all, if I had not better put a bullet in her head just to silence her, only I did not for ould acquaintance sake, and I seed, by the sniggling of them oudacious monsters, as they meant to get some'at out of her.

Well, it was in the ship I now belongs to, the Oudacious we were with the squadron off Ferrol; signal made to chase south-east clapt every stitch on her after two gun-boats who were running down in-shore. Light winds got well in for the land, and then it fell calm.

A deep sigh, like the passing of cave winds, came from the old woman's throat. "Praise de Lawd," she murmured. "I see now you'se not, honey; but jest why is too much fer me. Run 'long befoh Aunt Timmie make a fool of herse'f. Dat man's oudacious wickedness is got to be stopped but you leave dat to me! Some day I'se gwine send fer you, an' you'se comin' widout axin' why. Heah dat?

It's mighty good sense to press yoh luck as fur's it'll go, honey, but a oudacious sin to set right out to bust it. An' 'member what ole Zack say 'bout dat, 'caze it mought do you a heap of good some day!" Zack's saddle was finally tied on with a piece of clothesline and, putting his foot in a rope stirrup, he mounted. "Now I'se gwine arter dat nickel," he declared.

Indeed, Master Felix, I always thought you were very oudacious, Sir, begging your pardon." Felix. "But she had such a many of them, Smart." Mother. "There you need say no more on that sore subject. You know Lilly repented afterwards, and you ought to be ashamed of mentioning the matter." Felix.

"I recollect you now, my man," replied Sir Hercules, very stiffly. "And where did you lose your leg?" "Battle o' the Nile, your honour; Majesty's ship Oudacious." "How interesting!" observed one of the ladies; "one of Sir Hercules' old men." "Yes, madam, and one of my best men. Lady Hercules, you must recollect him," said Sir Hercules.

"Very like she did," returned Jenny sharply. "And when she died hadn't Abel's father, what was her eldest son, the best right to 'em? And when he went to his long home they was Abel's, and now they'm mine and the warmin'-pan too," she added defiantly. "Well, of all the oudacious " Susan was beginning, when Jenny cut her short, continuing to read in a high clear voice

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