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His open-air sermons, ranging from impassioned devotion to coarse story and homely mother wit, became the journals as well as the homilies of the day; political and social questions found place in them side by side with spiritual matters; and the rudest countryman learned his tale of a king's oppression or a patriot's hopes as he listened to the rambling, passionate, humorous discourse of the begging friar.

I had not much hope of bringing life back, but still we worked with a kind of desperation, for it seemed to Hungerford and myself that somehow we were responsible to humanity for him. His heart had been weak, but there had been no organic trouble: only some functional disorder, which open-air life and freedom from anxiety might have overcome. Hungerford worked with an almost fierce persistence.

The baggage belonged to the passengers, the bales to the crew, for the hooker was no pleasure boat, and was engaged in smuggling. The passengers were obliged to settle themselves on deck, a condition to which these wanderers easily resigned themselves. Open-air habits make it simple for vagabonds to arrange themselves for the night. This night, as we have seen, there was no belle étoile.

On June 23, 1905, the artistic and literary colony which had gradually grown up about his home in Cornish celebrated the twentieth anniversary of his coming there by a fête and open-air masque held in the groves of Aspet. The beauty of this spectacle has become almost legendary.

One autumn, when I devoted much time to this pursuit, as the best means of getting at nature and the open-air exhilaration, my eye became so trained that bees were nearly as easy to it as birds. I saw and heard bees wherever I went.

His letters are excellent: simple, spirited, spicy, and as original as his verse; flavoured with that vein of rattling open-air humour which had produced his school-boy novel in the style of Fielding. He was a man whom it would have been a rare delight to know.

After that the weather was generally overcast and pleasant for travelling; but sometimes rain and torrid sunshine alternated. The cooking and it was good cooking was done at a funny little open-air fireplace, with two or three cooking-pots placed at the stern of the house-boat. The fireplace was a platform of earth, taken from anthills, and heaped and spread on the boards of the boat.

Two or three times a year he went to the theatre, and in the summer he sometimes spent his evenings at one of the open-air concerts in the Champs Elysees. And so the years followed each other slow, monotonous, and short, because they were quite uneventful. He very rarely now thought of the dreadful drama which had wrecked his life; for twenty years had passed since that terrible evening.

"I'll make her go," said squire. "No! No! Don't make her do anything please!" begged Juliet. "That is just the worst mistake you could possibly make. To be honest, I would rather much go to the open-air concert at High Shale this evening." "Along with those rowdy miners?" growled the squire. "I see enough of them on the Bench. Green of course is cracked on that subject.

If this was the sort of work he was engaged for he must have higher wages; he wasn't over strong and his mother said he must lead an open-air life that was why he had taken the place. To be bearded thus in his own shop was too much for Mr. Farmiloe, he seized the opportunity of giving his wrath full swing, and burst into a frenzy of vilification.