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Tom began a long evening all alone over another law-book, and at last, with his head aching, and a dull, weary sense of depression, he went up to the bedroom which he shared with his cousin, jumped into his own bed as soon as he could to rest his aching head, and lay listening to a street band playing airs that sounded depressing and sorrowful in the extreme, and kept him awake till he felt as if he could never drop off, and cease hearing the rumble of omnibuses and carts.

'Yes, there was that, certainly, Aunt Annie agreed. 'And we went everywhere that omnibuses go, Henry proceeded. 'Once even we got as far as the Salisbury, Fulham. 'Well, dear, Mrs. Knight said sharply, 'I do think you might have popped in. 'But, mamma, Geraldine tried to explain, 'that would have spoilt it. 'Spoilt what? asked Mrs. Knight. 'The Salisbury isn't three minutes off our house.

They tore with a speed that seemed to increase momentarily straight down the thoroughfare that a few seconds before had seemed choked with traffic. They shaved by vans, omnibuses, hand-barrows. Houses and shops seemed to whirl past them, like a revolving nightmare ever the same, yet somehow ever different. A train was thundering over the bridge as they galloped beneath it.

The long fasts, the facing of all weathers, the weary rides in omnibuses with soaked feet, broke down at last a splendid constitution, and after some three years of torture, commencing with a sharp attack of English cholera, she died the year before my marriage.

In a moment they were at the turbulent junction of Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street, where crowds of Londoners, deeply unconscious of their own vulgarity, and of the marvellous distinction of Bedford Square, and of the moral obligation to harmonize socks with neckties, were preoccupying themselves with omnibuses and routes, and constituting the spectacle of London.

Camors lounged on the terrace, dreaming of his club, of the noisy Paris crowd, of the rumbling omnibuses, of the playbill of the little kiosk, of the scent of heated asphalt and the memory of the least of these enchantments brought infinite peace to his soul.

He did not look forward to telling her; and by the time he reached the Bank and got into an omnibus, he was in a highly nervous state, as the following incident may serve to show. He had taken one of those uncomfortable private omnibuses, where the passengers are left in unlightened gloom.

Quite close to it, however, was the town of Boulogne, with its well-provided market and shops, and at a distance of a few minutes the chemin-de-fer de ceinture, a line of tramways, one of omnibuses, and the steamboats not very far off. Clematis had a very small garden a recommendation to my husband but was still sufficiently isolated from the neighboring villas by their own grounds on each side.

There were smart victorias, shabby cabs, hotel omnibuses, and huge carts; and, mingling with the floating dust of the spilt flour was a heavy perfume of spices, of incense perhaps blown from some far-off mosque, and ambergris mixed with grains of musk in amulets which the Arabs wore round their necks, heated by their sweating flesh as they worked or stalked about shouting guttural orders.

Such a shame to have you dragging all the way up here, when any dirty fellow that wants to can ride. I don't mind for myself so much, for I can walk about spry enough yet, and don't thank them for their old omnibuses nor cars; but it's too bad for you, so it is, too bad!" "Never mind, mother! keep a brave heart. 'There's a good time coming soon, a good time coming! as I heard Mr.