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'Batsy knows it; about dear mamma. 'Indeed! said Merton. 'Tommy, why did you come here? 'I don't know. I told you that None-so-pretty told us to. She did it after she saw that when we were bathing. Tommy raised one of his little loose breeks that did not cover the knee. That was not pleasant to look on: it was on the inside of the right thigh. 'How did you get hurt there? asked Merton.

Who are you? 'She's None-so-pretty, said Tommy, by way of introduction. Miss Blossom bowed with grace, and raising her head, shot two violet rays into the eyes of the Major, which were of a bistre hue. But they accepted the message, like a receiver in wireless telegraphy. No man, let be a Major, could have resisted None-so-pretty at that moment.

You've been on a woodland saunter, then, while I enacted Solomon's sluggard!" The worthy parent's eyes began to twinkle. "What flowers did you find? They have strange blooms here, and yet I warrant that even in these woods one might come across London pride and none-so-pretty and forget-me-not" His daughter smiled, and asked him some idle question about the May-apple and the Judas-tree.

"Anyhow," she said to herself as she stood with her eyes fixed on None-so-pretty after Ben had done his story, "if he is common he's kind." Her reflections were disturbed by Ben's voice making another remark, which came from the side of a large red cow named Cherry: "There's not a better lot of coos, nor richer milk than what they give, this side Lenham." Lilac made no answer.

'And what did I say? asked Merton. 'Something about preferences, which we did not understand. 'References, perhaps, said Merton. 'Mr. Apsley, may I ask whether you wrote this letter yourself? 'No; None-so-pretty printed it on a kind of sewing machine. She told us to come and see you, so we came. I called her None-so-pretty, out of a fairy story. She does not mind.

"But Peter wouldn't sell her, I suppose?" asked Lilac eagerly. "No fear," replied Ben's muffled voice; "he's martal fond of None-so-pretty." Lilac looked with great interest at the little cow. An odd pair of friends she and Peter and as unlike as they could possibly be, for None-so-pretty was as graceful and slender in her proportions as he was clumsy and awkward-limbed.

The boy named a street on the frontiers of St. John's Wood. 'And who is your father? 'Major Apsley, D.S.O. 'And how did you come here? 'In a hansom. I told the man to wait. 'How did you get away? 'Father took us to Lord's, with Miss Limmer, and there was a crowd, and Bats and I slipped out; for None-so-pretty said we ought to call on you. 'Who is Miss Limmer? 'Our governess.

None-so-pretty she caught cold when she'd bin here a couple of weeks, and the master he sent for coo-doctor. And coo-doctor come and says: `She's in a pretty plight, says he; `information of the lungs she's got, and you'll never get her through it. A little dillicut scrap of a animal like that, he says; 'she ain't not to say fit for this part of the country!

Lilac went to bed that night with a heart full of gratitude for her uncle's kindness, and delight at the promised visit; but her last thought before she slept was: "I'm sorry as how None-so-pretty has got to be sold." "...Find out men's wants and will And meet them there, all earthly joys grow less To the one joy of doing kindnesses." George Herbert.

Since the day when he had gone away from her so suddenly, frightened by her tears, they had had several talks together, although the speech was mostly on Lilac's side. She shrank from him no longer, and sometimes when the real Peter came up from the depths where he lay hidden, and showed a glimpse of himself through the dull mask, she thought him scarcely ugly. Would he sell None-so-pretty?