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The failings of Sibylla were not a pleasant topic, thus openly mentioned by Jan; but none knew better than the doctor how true were the grounds on which he spoke. None knew better, either, that disease for her was to be feared. "Her sisters went off about this age, or a little later," he said musingly. "I could not save them."

Northcote did not understand what they meant; their words conveyed a slight shock of surprise, but no distinct idea to him; and when Janey, too much impressed to settle down again, went away after a while musingly, carrying her work in the upper skirt of her gown, held like a market-woman's apron by her elbow against her side; and he found himself to have attained in the very confusion of his intentions to what he wished, i.e., an interview with Ursula by herself, he was almost too much agitated to take advantage of it.

And she was a bad woman, this false love of yours, John." "If she had been a good one, she would have been true," I replied. "I think," said Lance, musingly, "that in all this world there is nothing so horrible as a bad a really bad or wicked woman! They seem to me much worse than men, just as a good woman is better than a man could ever be is little less than an angel.

Spargo, glancing at Mr. Elphick, saw that he was deeply interested. The elderly barrister took him literally by the button-hole. "My dear sir!" he said. "You saw this poor fellow? Lying dead in the third entry down Middle Temple Lane! The third entry, eh?" "Yes," replied Spargo, simply. "I saw him. It was the third entry." "Singular!" said Mr. Elphick, musingly.

‘High mass!’ said the man in black; ‘however,’ he continued, after a pause, ‘I will be frank with you; I came to be so; I may have heard high mass on a time, and said it too; but as for any predilection for it, I assure you I have no more than for a long High Church sermon.’ ‘You speak a la Margutte,’ said I. ‘Margutte!’ said the man in black, musingly, ‘Margutte!’

Shon McGann was a fine fool, but he did something at last, truly yes: Tim Macavoy, perhaps, will do something at last on his own hook. Hey, I wonder!" He felt the muscles of Macavoy's arm musingly, and then laughed up in the giant's face. "Once I made you a king, my own, and you threw it all away; now I make you a slave, and we shall see what you will do. Come along, for M'sieu' Tarlton."

"Sixty thousand dollars," she continued. "Van Horn tells me that, as yet, the firm of Uxbridge Brothers have only an income no capital." "It is true," he answered, musingly. The clock on the mantle struck two. "A thousand dollars for every year of my life," she said. "You and I, Uxbridge, know the value and beauty of money. "Yes, there is beauty in money, and" looking at me "beauty without it."

Isaura did not perceive him at first, for her face was bent downward musingly, as was often her wont after singing, especially when alone; but she felt that the place was darkened, that something stood between her and the sunshine. She raised her face, and a quick flush mantled over it as she uttered his name, not loudly, not as in surprise, but inwardly and whisperingly, as in a sort of fear.

"I can't imagine it!" "It would come pretty hard!" Colonel Gresham shook his head musingly. "It is a shame that those women are not better treated! I'll take them to ride as often as I can you tell them so, Polly!" "I will!" Polly beamed her delight. "It's lovely of you! It will do them no end of good. They stay cooped up in the house too much.

Franklin sat silent for a few moments, musingly staring out of the window, and listening, without active consciousness of the fact, to the music of the singing bird which came from somewhere without. At length he rose and turned toward the elder man. "If you please, judge," said he, "get the committee appointed for to-night if you can. I'll take the examination now." "Yes? You are in a hurry!"