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I had not your infirmities: I never was a spendthrift, and I have a constitution of iron!" There was a pause. "Charles," continued Sir Miles, musingly, "there is many an earl with a less fortune than the conjoined estates of Vernon Grange and Laughton Hall.

The professor gazed into terraces of faces that were still inflamed. " I needn't say that I am surprised," he remarked in the accepted rhetoric of his kind. He added musingly: " There seems to be a great deal of torn linen. Who is the young gentleman with blood on his chin?" The throng moved restlessly.

Laura promises to come over to our house in the evenin', and so we break up. "Seems now," continued Ezra musingly, "seems now as if I could see us all at breakfast. The race on the pond has made us hungry, and Mother says she never knew anybody else's boys that had such capac'ties as hers.

"It is not what she believes, it is what she is." She rested her head upon her hand and looked musingly towards the window, down which the drops were trickling, and said "Ever since I have known Cecilia I have always felt that if all the world failed this would be left. Not that I really imagined the world would fail me, but you know how one imagines things, how one asks oneself questions.

Sailor man said the night-watchman, musingly a sailorman is like a fish he is safest when 'e is at sea. When a fish comes ashore it is in for trouble, and so is sailorman. One poor chap I knew 'ardly ever came ashore without getting married; and he was found out there was no less than six wimmen in the court all taking away 'is character at once.

"He is one of those men who never fail." "Well, I do not know," said the Knight of the Dolphin musingly. "The prince has a stout lance, and I have felt it." "He had the best of it this morning," said Endymion rather bitterly. "Every one thought so, and that it was very fortunate for the Count of Ferroll that the heralds closed the lists."

"My father teaches music, and mother scolds him continually for not being able to earn enough money to keep out of debt." "Hasn't Aunt Jane helped you?" "We've never seen a cent of her money, although father has tried at times to borrow enough to help him out of his difficulties." "That's strange. She seems like such a dear kindly old lady," said Louise, musingly.

And it isn't because you want to push yourself either, but because you can go ahead." "Well," said Tom, slowly and musingly, "it's mighty nice to know that the other boys like you, and if the fellows are bound to make me take the office of patrol leader I suppose I'll have to accept it." "No one so well able to do the work as you are, Tom.

"None whatever," he replied. "I have no more idea of being married than I have of sailing this moment for the Cape." "It is strange," said the duchess, musingly; "I had the information from such good authority, too." "There can be no better authority on the subject," said Lord Arleigh, laughingly, "than myself." "You; I admit that.

Simeon Samuels, aware of a fly hovering on the purlieus of his web, issued from its centre, as the Parnass turned his back on the shop and gazed musingly at the sky. 'Looks threatening for rain, sir, observed Simeon Samuels, addressing the back. 'Our waterproofs Bless my soul, but it surely isn't our Parnass! 'Yes, I'm just strolling about. I seem to have stumbled on your establishment.