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Each was in its envelope just as it had arrived, and the handwriting was of the same womanly character as the historic notes. He unfolded them one by one and read them musingly. At first sight there seemed in these small documents to be absolutely nothing to muse over.

Silas Jorgan Played the organ. That's about all. And sometimes I tell her stories, stories of sailors supposed to be lost, and recovered after all hope was abandoned." Here the captain musingly went back to his song, Silas Jorgan Played the organ; repeating it with his eyes on the fire, as he softly danced the child on his knee. For he felt that Margaret had stopped working.

Hour after hour the rowers pulled, chanting at times ancient lays of the war-canoes, of the fierce fights of their fathers when hundreds fed the sharks after the destruction of their vessels by the conquerors, and of the old gods who had reigned before the white men came. Père Victorien listened musingly. "They should be singing of the Blessed Mother or of Joan," he said with sorrow.

"Yes, she is rather queer," assented Winnie musingly; "but I like Miss Latimer dearly. She is awfully good, Dick; and fancy her being the author of those books after all. Is it not strange?" "Slightly, perhaps; but 'truth is stranger than fiction, my dear sister. By-the-by, I did not notice any Quaker fashion in their dress to-night.

At the back of the cold downstairs room a fire has been lighted. Mame is sitting on the stool beside it, in the glow of the flaming coal, outstretching her hands, clinging to the warmth. Entering, I see the bowl of her back. Her lean neck has a cracked look and is white as a bone. Musingly, my aunt takes and holds a pair of idle tongs. I take my seat.

"Like or unlike," said the squire, "it has been a gross insult to young Leslie, and looks all the worse because I and Audley are not just the best friends in the world. I can't think what it is," continued Mr. Hazeldean, musingly; "but it seems that there must be always some association of fighting connected with that prim half-brother of mine.

"I need nothing not even you; and can you fancy that, after waiting all these years for this hour, money would satisfy me? Do you know," he continued slowly and musingly, "I can look upon you now yes, at this moment with more indifference than you ever showed to me? A moment ago I loved you: now I think you horrible; because you are no woman; you have a savage heart.

Yes, under all my distress there was a fierce joy in that. It was so new and wonderful to feel again that there was one person who wouldn't be able to get on without me! And now what you and Susy tell me seems to have taken my child from me; and just at first that's all I can feel." "Of course it's all you feel." He looked at her musingly. "Why didn't Leila come to meet you?"

"It takes time," he continued musingly, "to get at them, to make out what they're saying the big fellows, I mean. They're not a communicative lot. At first I couldn't make much out of their lingo it was too different from mine!

He spoke simply, with a sudden return to his old voice and accent, at which she weakened as under a caress. She lifted her head and gazed at him. "Am I?" she said musingly. "Kate!" burst from him; but she raised a silencing hand. "It seems to me," she said, "that I am imprisoned imprisoned with you in this dreadful thing.