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'No, somethin' else, though, said Ortheris, making a dash at Mulvaney's pipe, capturing it and holding it at arm's length; 'I'll chuck it acrost the ditch if you don't let me go! 'You maraudin' hathen! 'Tis the only cutty I iver loved. Handle her tinder, or I'll chuck you acrost the nullah. If that poipe was bruk Ah! Give her back to me, Sorr! Ortheris had passed the treasure to my hand.

"His excellency," said Mulvaney, with a look slightly malevolent, for the visitor had refused his name. Then he turned and left the room. At Mulvaney's words, an ironical smile crossed the face of the newcomer. Then he advanced to Miles Calhoun.

She was somewhat startled by the abrupt question, and her horse nosed Mulvaney's flanks before she drew him to a halt. It occurred to her that such a query scarcely came under the title of small talk, and she found some difficulty in shaping her answer. "Why yes," she agreed. "I'm very fond of chicken." "It's pretty good, boiled with rice," the man went on gravely. "We'll have some for supper."

Then to me "Ye say Dhrumshticks is well, an' his lady tu'? I niver knew how I liked the gray garron till I was shut av him an' Asia." "Dhrumshticks" was the nickname of the Colonel commanding Mulvaney's old regiment. " Will you be seein' him again? You will. Thin tell him" Mulvaney's eyes began to twinkle "tell him wid Privit " "Mister, Terence," interrupted Dinah Shadd.

The parade-ground was deserted except for the scurrying jackals. Mulvaney's impetuous rush carried his companions far into the open ere Learoyd attempted to turn round and continue the discussion. 'Be still now. 'Twas my fault for beginnin' things in the middle av an end, Jock.

'I've got that thief Mulvaney's for all my back-pay, an' she'll kick my heart sick wid that blunderin' long shtock av hers. 'Go on! yells Brazenose, whippin' his sword out. 'Go on an' take the town! An' the Lord have mercy on our sowls!

I niver knew how I liked the gray garron till I was shut av him an' Asia. 'Dhrumshticks' was the nickname of the Colonel commanding Mulvaney's old regiment. 'Will you be seein' him again? You will. Thin tell him' Mulvaney's eyes began to twinkle 'tell him wid Privit 'MISTER, Terence, interrupted Dinah Shadd.

Furthermore, Terrence, by virtue of some mysterious underground connection, pulled mysterious wires, so that an invitation from him was a command. For these reasons, also, Joe Lathrop found it discreet in his own eyes to engage on the spot Tim Murphy, a very dear friend of Mulvaney and, according to Mulvaney's own impartial testimony, a very worthy and deserving man.

I am av the opinion av Polonius whin he said, "Don't fight wid ivry scutt for the pure joy av fightin', but if you do, knock the nose av him first an' frequint." We ought to ha' gone on an' helped the Ghoorkhas. 'But what do you know about Polonius? I demanded. This was a new side of Mulvaney's character.

I bundled several things into Mulvaney's haversack before the major's hand fell on my shoulder and he said tenderly, 'Requisitioned for the Queen's service. Wolseley was quite wrong about special correspondents: they are the soldier's best friends. Come and take pot-luck with us to- night.