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"I thought our craft was an English ship, and we British tars, and now I see we be turned into mounseers," said one, cocking his eye at the tricoloured flag. "If we be, my boy, we will show yonder ship that the mounseers can fight their guns as well as British tars for once in a way," remarked another who stood near him.

They set to work accordingly, and made sack after sack until they grew so wearied of the monotonous work that Ben said it made him wish to sit down in sackcloth and ashes; whereupon Bill remarked that if the Mounseers would only give them the sack altogether, it would be very much to their credit. Soon the imprisoned mariners began again to plot and plan their escape.

During the contest, we had constantly refreshed our zeal by fervent declarations of contempt for the frog-eating, spindle shanked mounseers, and persuaded ourselves that their whole literature consisted in atheism and murder, and though we now know that frogs are by no means the common food of the peasantry costing about a guinea a dish and that it is possible for a Frenchman to be a strapping fellow of six feet high, the taint of our former persuasion remains with us still as to their books; and, in some remote districts, we have no doubt that Peter Pindar would be thought a more harmless volume in a young lady's hands than Pascal's Thoughts in French.

"I like the Mounseers a precious sight better; when one is friends with them, they take to our ways a hundred-fold better than these Dons. They'll talk and laugh away, and drink too, with a fellow, just for all the world as if they were as regular born Christians as we are.

Shortly afterwards two other ships were seen steering so as to cut her off from the land. They were undoubtedly enemies. Though surrounded, as they supposed, by foes, the Frenchmen made every attempt to escape, but fortune was against them. "We caught a Tartar t'other day the Mounseers have caught half-a-dozen!" observed Tony, as we watched what was going on through one of the main-deck ports.

When are you going to finish off the mounseers? The round shot were flying quickly across the decks, and bullets were rattling on board like hail, for though the French were getting the worst of it, they were, as they always do, dying game. `Get below, boy, get below! shouted father, `what business have you here? As I didn't go, he seized me by the arm, and dragged me to the hatchway, in spite of my struggles and cries. `I want to see the fight.

The latest sensation, I believe, is Cossack Trousers, have you tried 'em yet? But to come to my mutton, as the Mounseers say. The Duchess of Camberhurst, having honored my house with her presence and consequently set it in an uproar, I am constantly running foul of her, though more often she is falling aboard of me.

But never mind, there are no lack of surgeons amongst the mounseers." "If we go on this way much longer," said Jack, sighing, "we shall be carried round the world without arriving anywhere. Alas, my poor mother!"

For a wonder, all join in the praise. "He's an honour to the town; he's a pride to the country. Thof he's such a friend at a pinch, he's a rale mon of business. He'll make the baunk worth a million! And how well he spoke at the great county meeting about the war, and the laund, and them bloodthirsty Mounseers! If their members were loike him, Muster Fox would look small!"

I'd as lief believe my old commander the great Duke Marlborough crying he couldn't thrash the mounseers. I'll swear you didn't let him go without getting the promise of an assignation out of him." "A promise? Don't talk of promises. It's easier to get a promise out of a man than his purse." "Lord, madam, if it's the purse of that vapouring young spark you're after, you'll be wasting your labour.