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"What is the matter, Will?" he asked. I told him. "Don't let such fancies get hold of your mind, man," he answered. "You'll keep your two legs and get safely on shore one of these days, when we have well trounced the mounseers. Ever bear in mind that `there's a sweet little cherub who sits up aloft, to take care of the life of poor Jack.

"You may `hulloo' as long as you like, mounseers, but we'll be giving you as good before long," cried Ben; several of his shipmates echoing his words. They were right, for scarcely had the Frenchmen's cheers ceased, than down also fell their mizzenmast with a tremendous crash, evidently doing much damage.

"If those Mounseers are not made of iron, they'll not stand this battering much longer," cried Dick Rogers, who was working one of the after-guns. Pearce was standing near him.

If we can't out-sail them, we'll fight them, and show the mounseers that `hearts of oak are our ships, British tars are our men," he exclaimed with a gay laugh, humming the tune. All hands on board our ship were in the same humour, and so were the crews of the rest of the squadron.

"By Jove, she wants to speak us; something must be up!" said the commander who had come on deck in the meanwhile. "Go below, Vernon, and tell the cap'en at once." "Confound those mounseers," I heard Mr Stormcock say to the master as I came out from Captain Farmer's cabin. "I wonder what they want to stop us for now, just as we were getting clear of Ushant? It's sure to bring us bad luck!"

You see, they'd got it to do, sir, and we always felt that it was only mounseers that we'd got to beat and captur' their ship; and then as soon as we had begun, whether we was crews of guns, stripped and firing away, or answering the orders to board, why, then we never had time to feel afraid." "What, not when you saw your messmates shot down beside you?" cried Rodd.

"The mounseers won't make any difference between us and the crew, if we're taken," observed one of the men. "Right there, mate; better have a jolly stand-up fight than be sitting down here all day, doing nothing," remarked another. The officers had gone aft, and Dick could not hear what was said. In a short time, however, he knew that the cutter was moving by the rippling against her side.

We had not much experience as surgeons, but we succeeded after some time. "Thank ye, sir; thank ye," said Toby, his voice growing weaker every moment; "I'll be up and at 'em again directly. I wants another pistol, please, sir. I don't know what tricks the mounseers may be up to, and they shan't hurt you if I can help it, that they shan't. I shot one on 'em, and I'll shoot another."

"I say, Bill, I wonder what the mounseers are going to do with us," whispered Jack, as they marched along. "Will they put handcuffs on our wrists and throw us into a dungeon, do you think?" Bill acknowledged that he feared such might be the fate prepared for them. They were not, however, ill-treated during their walk.

"There is our sergeant, Tom; let's get it over at once." "If you please," Tom said, as they went up to the sergeant, "are you the recruiting sergeant of the Norfolk Rangers?" "By Jove, Summers, you are in luck to-day," laughed one of the other sergeants; "here are two valuable recruits for the Rangers. The Mounseers will have no chance with the regiment with such giants as those in it.