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But as she turned in going, his piercing eye discerned a little brown speck below the pretty lobe of her right ear, just in the peachy curve between neck and cheek.... His own little Zouzoune had a birthmark like that! he remembered the faint pink trace left by his fingers above and below it the day he had slapped her for overturning his ink bottle ... "To laimin moin? to batte moin!" "Chita!

"Now then, my man," said D ; "mind your helm, or you'll have her up in the wind in a minute." "Ja; but luke at moin praam moin Got!" "Curse your pram, she won't hurt; haul her on board," said D to some of the sailors. "Nej, nej," exclaimed the Norwegian; "zare luke zare! Moin Got! luke at moin praam!" "Her timbers are good, ain't they?

She began to play with some trinkets attached to his watch chain; a very small gold compass especially impressed her fancy by the trembling and flashing of its tiny needle, and she murmured, coaxingly: "Mo oule ca! Donnin ca a moin." He took all possible advantage of the situation, and replied at once: "Oui! mo va donnin toi ca si to di moin to laut nom."

If they're good, and will hold together, this lop wont hurt her," observed D . "Ja, goot; but ze vater ville come into moin praam. Moin Got!" The fellow was glad to take his dollars and his leave, and, as soon as he did so, we shaped our course for the Skaw Point, the most northerly headland of Denmark.

In a few seconds we slipped our moorings, and jib, foresail, and gaff-topsail were hauled out to the wind, and the main tack dropped, sooner than I have written it. "Vare de skepp go?" I heard the artist exclaim to the boatman; "det blăser hărdt de vind blow hard moin Gud! vare de skepp go?"

When they brought her to herself, Olive was kneeling at her head silently weeping. "Maman, chère maman!" said the girl softly, kissing her lips. "Ma courri c'ez moin" I will go home said the mother, drearily. "You will go home with me," said Madame Varrillat, with great kindness of manner "just across the street here; I will take care of you till you feel better.

For the death of his generous father, who had sacrificed so much to reform him; for the death, only a short while after, of his all-forgiving mother, he had found one sweet woman to console him with her tender words, her loving lips, her delicious caress. To laimin moin? to batte moin! ...

"No, Zare, you varry goot to say so; but I feel I can at all not at all not, qu'est que veut dire, 'exprimer? ach! ach!" he exclaimed, putting his finger in his mouth, and pressing it, meditatively, between his front teeth, "I can at all not speak moin feeling in ze vay I shoult vish." "How long were you in England?" I said. "En fjor une année," he replied.

"Et comment ye te pele to papa, chere?" "Papa Zulien." "Bon! Et comment to maman te pele to papa? dis ca a moin, chere?" The child looked down, put a finger in her mouth, thought a moment, and replied: "Li pele li, 'Cheri'; li pele li, 'Papoute." "Aie, aie! c'est tout, ca? to maman te jamain pele li daut' chose?" "Mo pas connin, moin."

Bunny's in an interesting situation faith, and she always is, then and has given the Lieutenant seven already. Where did ye get your finishing, my dear? I had moin, and no expince spared, at Madame Flanahan's, at Ilyssus Grove, Booterstown, near Dublin, wid a Marchioness to teach us the true Parisian pronunciation, and a retired Mejor-General of the French service to put us through the exercise."