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I accept your advice. Alphonsina!" "Momselle!" The answer came from the kitchen. "Come go or, rather, vini 'ci courri dans boutique de l'apothecaire. Clotilde," she continued, in better French, holding up the coin to view, "look!" "What?" "The last picayune we have in the world ha, ha, ha!"

Never mind, we shall see. Achille, put her upon her feet. Now, old woman, run!" She walked rapidly, but with unsteady feet, toward the fields. "Run! If you don't run I will shoot you this minute!" She ran. "Faster!" She ran faster. "Run!" "Run!" "Run, Clemence! Ha, ha, ha!" It was so funny to see her scuttling and tripping and stumbling. "Courri! courri, Clemence! c'est pou to' vie! ha, ha, ha "

When they brought her to herself, Olive was kneeling at her head silently weeping. "Maman, chère maman!" said the girl softly, kissing her lips. "Ma courri c'ez moin" I will go home said the mother, drearily. "You will go home with me," said Madame Varrillat, with great kindness of manner "just across the street here; I will take care of you till you feel better.

I'm a po' ole marchande des calas; mo courri 'mongs' de sojer boys to sell my cakes, you know, and da's de onyest reason why I cyah dat ah ole fool knife." She seemed to take some hope from the silence with which they heard her. Her eye brightened and her voice took a tone of excitement. "You'd oughteh tek me and put me in calaboose, an' let de law tek 'is co'se.

"Oh, Père Jerome! mo pas conné, I dunno. You know w'ere's dad 'ouse of Miché Jean Tomkin? Mo courri 'ci, mo courri l

"Oh, Père Jerome! mo pas conné, I dunno. You know w'ere's dad 'ouse of Michè Jean Tomkin? Mo courri 'ci, mo courri l