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Updated: August 29, 2024

The only way to make these merciless freebooters fear or respect the authority of our government is, when they misbehave, first of all to chastise them well by striking such a blow as will be felt for a long time, and thus show them that we are superior to them in war. They will then respect us much more than when their good-will is purchased with presents.

They might some of them look like young hoydens in middy blouses and gymnasium bloomers which costume most of them affected during school hours but now, in their trim serge suits and chic little hats, they were a credit to their chaperon, and as it was considered bad form to misbehave "in line" at church or concert or lecture, Miss Ashwell settled down and gave herself up to the luxury of her own thoughts.

"My dear, a man can't very well preach against his own writings!" Mrs. Clinch rose and picked up her proofs. "I'm awfully sorry for you, Paula dear," she concluded, "but I can't help being thankful that there's no demand for pessimism in the field of natural history. Fancy having to write 'The Fall of a Sparrow, or 'How the Plants Misbehave!" Mrs.

And there seemed no use in my trying to be different from others, and I thought I might as well be as rotten as everybody. But I tried and couldn't I tried, for instance, to misbehave with Jack Dysart, but I couldn't and I only hated myself and him and Rosalie and Duane!" She sat up, flushed, dishevelled, lips quivering. "I want to confess! I've been horribly depraved for a week!

However, she said, "Your servant, sir," and curtsied with an air of perfect deference as she advanced towards him: she was not the woman to misbehave towards her betters, and fly in the face of the catechism, without severe provocation. "Is your husband at home, Mrs. Poyser?" "Yes, sir; he's only i' the rick-yard. I'll send for him in a minute, if you'll please to get down and step in."

During this speech the two figures on the box were sporting with each other disgracefully. Lucy had a spasm of envy. Granted that they wished to misbehave, it was pleasant for them to be able to do so. They were probably the only people enjoying the expedition. The carriage swept with agonizing jolts up through the Piazza of Fiesole and into the Settignano road. "Piano! piano!" said Mr.

Ye'll obsairve, young woman, that kissin's the prologue to sin, and I'm a decent mon, an' a gray-headed mon, an' your licht stories are no for me; sae if the minister's no expeckit I shall retire an' tak my quiet gill my lane." Jean Carnie. "And div ye really think a decent cummer like Custy wad let the lad and lass misbehave thirsels?

"Thank you, mamma; I will have it attended to at once," Violet replied, and hastened away, Rosie running after her with a "Come girls, let us go and see the room and find out whether it has a closet for the captain to shut us up in when we misbehave."

Slope's departure for London, and on this occasion Mrs. Grantly spoke out her mind freely. She had opinions of her own about parish clergymen, and now thought it right to give vent to them. "If you would have been led by me, Archdeacon, you would never have put a bachelor into St. Ewold's." "But my dear, you don't meant to say that all bachelor clergymen misbehave themselves."

"Heaven forgive me!" thought M'Intyre; "I shall certainly misbehave, and lose all the credit I have so lately and accidentally gained." When they set out, schooled as he was by the warning and entreating looks of his sister, the soldier made his resolution strong to give no offence by evincing inattention or impatience.

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