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Of the lighter fast set, assembly balls are the ruling passion; but even in these there is no wild extravagance. The gentlemen of this division keep usually two horses, on the sale of one of which their mind is much bent. They drink plentifully of cherry-brandy on hunting days; but, as a rule, they do not often misbehave themselves.

"I was very silly; I am not so frightened now, and if you will hold me fast, I will not misbehave again."

You should not have made things worse by denying it; if you had not, everything would be all settled. You have misbehaved and you shall not do so any more. Remember!" "No, I did not misbehave. No, no! And I shall not say yes when it is not true," Cornelli now cried, quite beside herself. "Go to your room, Cornelli, and smooth out your forehead before you come to dinner.

Therefore, having cut his eye-teeth B.C. several hundred, the Unspeakable Turk will take care not to misbehave UNTIL he's ready. And I suppose our government, being ours and we being us, will let him do it! All of which will take time. And that again means no trouble in the 'Hills probably until the Turks really do feel ready to begin. They'll preach a holy war just ahead of the date.

When the energy of the Brahmanas becomes mild, when Kshatriya energy becomes weak, when all men misbehave themselves towards the Brahmanas, they that engage in battle then, casting off all fear of death, for protecting the Brahmanas, morality, and their own selves, those persons, moved by righteous indignation and possessed of great strength of mind, succeed in winning high regions of bliss hereafter.

"Nothing much, probably," said Trenwith "Bates will have it fixed in a few minutes. The best engine in the world is apt to get balky at times and I must say that mine has chosen a very good time to misbehave."

"Oh, I could be a tremendously good fellow then, Mary, and we could be married directly." "Not so fast, sir; how do you know that I would not rather defer our marriage for some years? That would leave you time to misbehave, and then if I liked some one else better, I should have an excuse for jilting you." "Pray don't joke, Mary," said Fred, with strong feeling.

The effect of any one's anger on Rosamond had always been to make her shrink in cold dislike, and to become all the more calmly correct, in the conviction that she was not the person to misbehave whatever others might do. She replied "I think I had a perfect right to speak on a subject which concerns me at least as much as you." "Clearly you had a right to speak, but only to me.

He could understand that unless some affront had been offered such an edict enforced as to the conduct of a young lady would induce all her acquaintance to suppose that she was either very much in love or else very prone to misbehave herself. He feared, indeed, that she was very much in love, but it would not be prudent to tell her secret to all the world.

"You will believe whatever I tell you, child. If you wish to anger a man, even with you, tell him that he is lying." "I do nothing but misbehave," she said, in earnest despondency. "I " But I sealed her lips effectually for the moment. "Why did you not speak as we came home?" "You were tired, and I was thinking over all I had seen. "You always talk when you are pleased. "Crying for fear?