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Smuts, growing more and more absorbed in the course of her harangue on the great cat question, states that she believes in marrying cats young in life and looking strictly after their morals; and as she appeals to Miss Meggs whilst voicing this sentiment, the latter timidly interjects, "But do you think, my dear Maria, that cats can maintain themselves chaste on a meat diet?

Hunchback Joe drew a short, ugly blackjack, a packet of papers, and a large roll of bills from his pocket, and tossed the articles into the trunk. "Lock it again!" he instructed tersely. Hoppy Meggs hesitated he was staring into the trunk. "Say, youse don't mean dat do youse?" he demanded heavily. "Not dem papers dat " Hunchback Joe's smile was not pleasant. "Lock the trunk!" he said curtly.

Miss Pillenger was not entirely sorry to obey the request. Mr Meggs's sudden fury had startled and frightened her. So long as she could end the scene victorious, she was anxious to withdraw. 'Yes, I will go, she said, with dignity, as she opened the door. 'Now that you have revealed yourself in your true colours, Mr Meggs, this house is no fit place for a wor

He had it typed in double space this last as advised by a booklet, "Success as a Writer Made Easy," by R. Meggs Widdlestien, which assured the ambitious plumber of the futility of perspiration, since after a six-lesson course he could make at least a thousand dollars a month.

As she did so, she had a vision of headlines. 'Stop! roared Mr Meggs. 'UNREQUITED PASSION MADE THIS MAN MURDERER, thought Miss Pillenger. 'Stop! 'CRAZED WITH LOVE HE SLAYS BEAUTIFUL BLONDE, flashed out in letters of crimson on the back of Miss Pillenger's mind. 'Stop! To touch the ground at intervals of twenty yards or so that was the ideal she strove after.

Perhaps it was the pathos of this thought which touched Mr Meggs, as she sailed, notebook in hand, through the doorway of the study. Here, he told himself, was a confiding girl, all unconscious of impending doom, relying on him as a daughter relies on her father. He was glad that he had not forgotten Miss Pillenger when he was making his preparations.

One moment, all appeared to be peace and joy; the next, a lively and irritable wild-cat with red-hot claws seemed somehow to have introduced itself into his interior. So Mr Meggs decided to end it. In this crisis of his life the old methodical habits of his youth returned to him.

She caught her employer's eye, and vanished hastily. Mr Meggs paced the room in a ferment. He had been shaken to his core by the scene. He boiled with indignation. That his kind thoughts should have been so misinterpreted it was too much. Of all ungrateful worlds, this world was the most

'Kill him, advised an austere bystander. 'What do you mean you were going to murder the lady? inquired Constable Gooch. Mr Meggs found speech. 'I I I I only wanted those letters. 'What for? 'They're mine. 'You charge her with stealing 'em? 'He gave them me to post with his own hands, cried Miss Pillenger. 'I know I did, but I want them back.

Dubbin being much complimented upon his having detected Spavinger's boots. "I ought to know 'em," he answered ruefully. "I lost a hundred meggs on him Toosday se'nnight, at Windsor races; and I had time to take the pattern of them boots while he was crawling in, a bad third." "Has your ladyship any commands for Paris?"