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"It's no mainner o' use mentionin' 't," replied Janet; "for, as ye ken, I'm un'er authority, an' yersel' h'ard my man tell me to tak unco percaution no to lat ye gang; for verily, Angus, ye hae conduckit yersel' this day more like ane possessed wi' a legion, than the douce faimily man 'at ye're supposit by the laird, yer maister, to be."

Tod was a wabster to his trade; his loom stood in the but. There he sat, a muckle fat, white hash of a man like creish, wi' a kind of a holy smile that gart me scunner. The hand of him aye cawed the shuttle, but his een was steeked. We cried to him by his name, we skirted in the deid lug of him, we shook him by the shou'ther. Nae mainner o' service!

"Weel, na, I ken that; it was but a mainner o' speakin'; but I can see that he's fair daft ower ye, Jess. I ken the signs o' love as weel as onybody. But hoo's Meg an' do ye think she likes me ony better?"

Them 'at sleepit aneth me, for there was twa men-servan's aboot the hoose that time an' troth there was need o' them an' mair, sic war the gangin's on! an' they sleepit whaur I'm tauld ye sleep noo, Cosmo them 'at sleepit there tellt me 'at never a nicht passed 'at they h'ardna soons 'aneth them 'at there was no mainner o' accoontin' for nor explainin', as fowks sae set upo' duin' nooadays wi' a'thing.

At ony rate, seein' yer lordship pat me in a mainner in chairge, I bude to haud her oot o' a closed room an' her gaein' creepin' aboot yer lordship's hoose like a worm." "Quite right. Will you pull the bell there for me?" He told the man to send Mrs Courthope; but he said she had not yet come home from church. "Could you take me to the room, MacPhail?" asked his lordship.

'My mother was a hielan wuman, and hed the second sicht; there was no mainner o' doobt aboot it! remarked David, also thoughtfully. 'And what wad ye draw frae that, father? asked Kirsty. 'Ow, naething verra important, maybe, but just 'at possibly it micht be i' the faimily! 'I wud like to ken yer verra thoucht, father!

Encouraged by the condescension of the remark, but disinclined to follow the path of reflection it indicated, Mistress Croale ventured a little farther upon her own. "Ye see, sir," she said, "as lang's there's whusky, it wull tak the throt-ro'd. It's the naitral w'y o' 't, ye see, to rin doon, an' it's no mainner o' use gangin' again natur.

And she's tellt me my duty and my sins in a mainner worthy o' Debohrah the prophetess; and I aye set mysel' to owercome them as gin they had been the airmy o' Sisera, wham Jael, the wife o' Heber, the Kenite, killed efter a weel-deserved but some cooardly faushion." Annie did not return to the harvest-field that day. She did not want to go near Alec again.

"Oh, it's juist a mainner o' speakin', sir; I was takin' a personal example. Weel, ye gang hame to the wife aboot the gloamin', an' ye open the door, an' ye says, says you, pleesant like, bein' warm aboot the wame, Guid e'en to ye, guidwife, my dawtie, an' hoos a' thing been gaim wi' ye the day? D'ye think she needs to luik roon' to ken a' aboot the Black Bull?

And the senawtus disna think me bye and aboon half a proper companion for buiks even; as gin Cupples micht corrup' Milton himsel, although he was ten feet ower his heid bottled in a buik. And whan I saw ye poor oot the whusky in that mad-like mainner, as gin 't had been some sma' tipple o' penny ale, it jist drave me mad wi' anger."