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"I'm afraid I'm not a very deep reader, but at any rate Dad has taught me a respect for good books. He gets so mad because when my friends come to the house, and he asks them what they've been reading, the only thing they seem to know about is Dere Mable." Roger chuckled. "I hope you don't think I'm a mere highbrow," he said.

The girls received this statement sullenly, yet they had no logical reply to controvert it. So Mary Louise, feeling that her explanation of the distasteful edict was not popular with her friends, quietly rose and sauntered to the gate, on her way home. "Pah!" sneered Mable Westervelt, looking after the slim figure, "I'm always suspicious of those goody-goody creatures.

Martha told me I should have taken Irish stew but " "But you preferred the Boston Bake," interrupted Mable Blake. "Of course Mildred wouldn't have anything to do with the Irish!" teased Madaline, who was well known to have "leanings" in that direction. "Indeed, I will never scorn the Celts again!" sighed Mildred, "for I had to brown the pork and it burned.

He had learned astronomy from a Norwegian sailor, as they lay on the deck of a Pacific transport night after night in the southern seas. He had even tackled literature during his six months in hospital, when he had plowed through all the books the wards provided from Dante's "Inferno" to "Dere Mable." Soon after his talk with Miss Enid he decided to call upon Mr. Chester, not because Mr.

"You're looking on the seamy side, Mable," she said with a smile, "and you're not quite just to the school. I believe your parents sent you here because Miss Stearne is known to be a very competent teacher and her school has an excellent reputation of long standing.

"But here comes Mary Louise; let's ask her opinion." "Phoo! Mary Louise is only a day scholar," said Jennie. "The restriction doesn't apply to her at all." "I'd like to hear what she says, anyhow," remarked Dorothy. "Mary Louise has a way of untangling things, you know." "She's rather too officious to suit me," Mable Westervelt retorted, "and she's younger than any of us.

The undiscerning have called this habit of mind irrelevant, but wrongly. The feminine intellect leaps like a grasshopper; the masculine plods as the ant. "I see there's a new Mable book coming," she said. "It's called That's Me All Over Mable, and the newsstand clerk at the Octagon says he expects to sell a thousand copies." "Well, there's a meaning in that," said Roger.

She was brave enough, and she answered: "We are not far from the Mable, monsieur!" "From the Mable! Then Marçay is behind?" "About six miles." "Ah! I thought we had overridden ourselves. And Richelieu is at hand?" "'Tis but a bare league." "Then in two hours at most we will be there. You will, of course, ride my horse, and Pierrebon and I will share the other." "Thank you!" she said simply.

"Under ordinary circumstances, picrate of potash although not MORE inflam- mable than common powder, yet possesses the SAME degree of inflammability." We now prepared to go on deck. As we left the saloon, in which we had been sitting, Curtis seized my hand. "Oh, Mr.

By this time Margaret and Madaline had joined the group, and now all the scouts in seventh and eighth grammar grades were discussing plans for the precipitous hike. There were Mable Blake, also a tenderfoot, Adaline Allen and Mildred Clark, second grades, and the McKay twins, first class scouts. All of these willingly agreed to make the foot trip out to the Falls.