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"Well, Little Miss Manage-It, I could even live through that. And perhaps I'll get a look-in with the fair sisters-in-law." "That, surely, if you wish. They're ready and eager to see visitors. I believe they love to go over the details of the whole affair with anyone who will listen." "Oh, come now, Win, not as bad as that." "They don't think it's bad.

"Come on, Throppy!" exhorted Lane. "Don't go calling to-night! Get out of the ether and give some other wireless sharps a look-in! Pull off that harness and take down your violin. Let's make an evening of it! We sha'n't have many more." Stevens lifted his hands to remove the headpiece. Suddenly a change came over his face and his arms dropped slowly. He gave his mates a warning look.

"I was watching, at the rear, you know, and it happened that I stopped right close to the hollow where you found me. Then I saw Millard drop into that hollow, and I took a look-in. I was just in time to see him bending over to reach for the handle of a magneto battery. Now, I happened to know that magneto batteries are made for the purpose of touching off explosives at a safe distance.

"He sent for me last night and asked me to take his case, won't have anything to do with Chessup. I had to get Chessup's permission. He seemed very glad to hand the case over to me." "Is he very bad?" "He hasn't a look-in, and he knows it. Complications; chronic Bright's disease. It seems he has nine children.

There was to be a box for "Who Did It?" and a visit behind scenes between acts. "I want to get a look-in on what goes on behind there," specified Mrs. Becker through a sniff. "Fine mess!" From where he sat with crossed knees and his nicely polished shoes far out so that passers-by were forced to a small detour, Albert looked suddenly across at his mother-in-law, rather scaredly white.

"He has gone into the rear house, at the end of the alleyway," decided Benson, peering down this narrow thoroughfare. "He has left the door partly open, too. I'll have to have a look-in." As he stole down the alley-way Jack Benson was too sensible, and by this time, too much experienced in the ways of a rougher world, not to suspect that there might be some trap in that door partly open.

"Besides, and moreover," continued Whitey Mack, "there's SOME reward hung out for him that I'm figuring to born in on. I'd swipe it all myself, don't you make any mistake about that, and you'd never get a look-in, only, sore as the mob is on the Gray Seal, it ain't healthy for any guy around these parts to get the reputation of being a snitch, no matter who he snitches on. Bump him off sure!

He cast a triumphant look in the direction of those whom he termed "the mucker boys." "Rip was bidding to keep us from getting a look-in!" whispered Tom Reade gleefully. "That was what I thought," nodded Dick Prescott. "That was why I threw in a couple of bids -just to make him pay for his meanness. But I'm sorry I did it." "Step up and pay your money!" ordered the auctioneer.

Half an hour later Holcomb came into his house and found Steve cleaning a pair of revolvers. The captain tossed his hat on the bed and sat down. "Up to us, looks like," he commented. Yeager nodded silently. "Harrison hadn't a look-in. The old scoundrel had the cards stacked," continued the officer. "Yep. Chad sat in against a cold deck. He made a big mistake when he let the old man take the play."

For Dave Darrin knew the way of discipline officers too well to imagine that that one brief inspection of the room was positively all the look-in that would be offered that night. Some discipline officers have a way of looking in often during the night. Being themselves graduates of the Naval Academy, officers are sure to know that the inspection immediately after taps does not always suffice.