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Coming back laden with the loot of Loma, the four tall men looked earnestly to the right; to the left they durst not, for the precipice there that had been with them so long went sickly down on to a bank of clouds, and how much further below that only their fears could say.

As his eye lights upon it, a satisfied expression comes over his features, for he knows that the tree is on the top of a little loma, or hill, about half-way between the estancia and the Indian town, and nearly in the direct route. He needs nothing more to guide him now; but instead of riding towards the tree, he rather turns his back upon it, and starts off in a different direction.

From this vantage point we could see the entire length of the line of battle. The attack began shortly after daylight. Near Caloocan the Insurgent works were close in, but further off toward La Loma they were in some places distant a mile or more from the trenches of the Americans.

"The American troops now in Caloocan and La Loma to the number of over six thousand are besieged by the columns commanded by Generals Luna, Llanera and García. "The Honourable President "This very moment the special train carrying the Honourable President has left for Caloocan. "Viva the independent Philippines!!! "Viva the unconquerable Philippine Army!!! "Notice.

"But what became of him?" "How should I know, sir? I've been as busy as a bird dog down in Panama. Please let me get on with my story. I had just cleared Point Loma and was about to surrender the bridge to my first mate when an interesting little message came trickling out of the ether and my wireless boy picked it up, because it was addressed to 'Captain Grant, Master S. S. Tillicum."

In reply he got a communication stating that a Mr. Duncan was stationed as assistant keeper at a light near San Diego, and not far from Point Loma. "That's where we want to head for, then," said Joe, as he talked the matter over with his chum. "I wonder if that will suit Mr. Ringold?" It did, as the theatrical manager stated, when the subject was broached to him.

"Haven't seen anything in the way of a present," said her husband, laughing, "unless he could have meant me." The next day Gabriel Radd, the foreman of the X O Ranch, dropped into the post-office at Loma Alta. "Well, the Frio Kid's got his dose of lead at last," he remarked to the postmaster. "That so? How'd it happen?"

These saw one scout go down and land, saw the other circle over the field and climb higher, bearing off toward the mainland to see what the outlaw plane would do. The Thunder Bird swung on over the island, banked and came back over Point Loma, heading straight for the heart of the flying station.

And then just notice the mountains over there they're in Mexico, I'm told and this great headland in the other direction; it's called Point Loma. Oh, I never imagined any place could be so beautiful!" The others were equally excited, and Uncle John said, smiling broadly: "Well, we're here at last, my dears, and I'm sure we are already well paid for our trip across the continent.

Hence the outdoor theatre. Why go to a play when it's so lovely outside? But to go to a play out-of-doors in an enchanting Greek theatre with a real moon rising above it that's another matter. I shall never forget "Midsummer Night's Dream" as given by the Theosophical Society at Point Loma.