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Look out, here it will be worse!" All three became silent. Lichonin was pale and was wiping his moist forehead with a handkerchief. "No, the devil take it!" he cried out suddenly with obstinacy. "I don't believe you! I don't want to believe! Liuba" he called loudly the girl who had fallen asleep. "Liubochka!"

You've begun something big and splendid, Lichonin. The prince told me about it during the night. Well, what of it, that's what youth is for to commit sacred follies. Give me the bottle, Alexandra, I'll open it myself, or else you'll rupture yourself and burst a vein. To a new life, Liubochka, pardon me ... Liubov ... Liubov ..." "Nikonovna. But call me just as it comes ... Liuba."

I'd best wait for you on the boulevard, at the very entrance, on a bench." "Ah, yes!" Lichonin recollected: "It's Alexandra who has inspired her with such a terror. My, but I'll make it hot for this old lizard! Well, let's go, Liubochka." She timidly, in some sidelong way, put out her hand to each one, folding it like a little spade; and walked out under the escort of Lichonin.

Lichonin! Look down upon mankind from above!" Jennie walked into the room, dishevelled, sleepy, in a night jacket on top of a white underskirt. "A-a!" she yawned, extending her hand to Lichonin. "How d'you do, my dear student! How does your Liubochka feel herself in the new place? Call me in as a guest some time. Or are you spending your honeymoon on the quiet? Without any outside witnesses?"

He caught up with Liubka and softly touched her sleeve. She turned around and beheld Soloviev. Her face instantaneously turned pale, her eyes opened wide and her lips began to tremble. "Go away!" she said quietly, with infinite hatred. "Liuba ... Liubochka ..." Soloviev began to mumble.

You haven't yet asked tea for yourself, Liubochka?" "No, I was waiting for you all the while. Besides, I didn't know who to ask. And you're all right, too. Why, I heard you, after you went off with your friend, come back and stand a while near the door. But you never even said good-bye to me. Is that right?" "The first family quarrel," thought Lichonin, but thought it without malice, in jest.

"What's the matter with you now, Alexandra, that you seem ossified?" asked Lichonin, laughing. "Or are you lost in admiration? Well, then, know: this is my cousin, my first cousin, that is Liubov..." he was confused for only a second, but immediately fired away: "Liubov Vasilievna, but for me simply Liubochka.

Behold how fine it is all around! Lord! Here it's five years that I haven't seen the sunrise. Now play at cards, now drinking, now I had to hurry to the university. Behold, my dearest, over there the dawn has burst into bloom. The sun is near! This is your dawn, Liubochka! This is your new life beginning. You will fearlessly lean upon my strong arm.

To go on with that which happened in the morning that's ... that's swinishness, bestiality, and unworthy of a man who respects himself. Love! Love this is a full blending of minds, thoughts, souls, interests, and not of the bodies alone. Love is a tremendous, great emotion, mighty as the universe, and not the sprawling in bed. There's no such love between us, Liubochka.

"Why, I woke up long ago and was sitting all the while; I was afraid to wake you up. You were sleeping so very soundly!" She stretched toward him and kissed him on the cheek. Lichonin made a wry face and gently pushed her away from him. "Wait, Liubochka! Wait; that's not necessary. Do you understand absolutely, never necessary. That which took place yesterday well, that's an accident.