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Updated: August 19, 2024

When questioned concerning her life on this plantation, she continues: "Now honey, its been so long ago, I don' 'member ev'ything, but I will tell you whut I kin as near right as possible; I kin 'member five uf Marse Carr's chillun; Florida, Susan, 'Lijah, Willie and Tom; cose Carr never 'lowed us to have a piece uf paper in our hands." "Mr.

"And you're Tabb's child. . . . You don't tell me that was Lijah Tabb, as used to be master o' the Uncle an' Aunt?" "I don't tell you anything," said the child, and added, "he's a different man altogether." "That's curious now." Captain Cai walked on a pace or two and halted again. "But you're Tabb's child," he insisted. "And, by the trick of his voice, if that wasn't Lijah "

"It's a habit we're goin' to break one of these days, Mose. What happened!" "Huh! Ast me whut didn't happen! Ol' 'Lijah, he got off good, an' first dash wham! he gits bumped by 'at ches'nut hawss o' Dyer's. I taken him back some an' talk to him, an' jus' when I'm sendin' him again pow! Jock Merritt busts ol' 'Lijah 'cross 'e nose 'ith his whip.

Lijah, he step along faster, not sayin' nothin' but feelin' kinda oneasy. He wisht he ain't said dem words. Dat evenin' Lijah come back fum town wid some co'n meal an' a side o' bacon.

"I had twelve chillun but right now missus, I can only 'member dese names: Robert, 'Lijah, Edward, Cornelius, Littie, Rachel and Sophie." "I was converted in Leon County and after freedom I joined de Methodist church and my membership is now in Mount Zion A.M.E. Church in Jacksonville, Florida." "My fust husban was Nelson Walker and de las' one was name Dave Nickerson. Mrs.

An' us folks o' Market Drayton take it proud, we do, as he be come to see us afore he goes back to his duty. "Theer's a example fur you boys. Theer be limbs o' mischief in Market Drayton yet. "Ay, I see tha' 'Lijah Notcutt, a-hangin' on to winder theer. I know who wringed the neck o' Widder Peplow's turkey. "An' I see tha' too, 'Zekiel Podmore; I know who broke the handle o' town pump.

"Ah don' know nuffin' 'cept about Lijah Jones an' old Aunt Maria," said he at last. "Tell us that," said Andy and Hortense together. Uncle Jonah put a coal from the fire in the palm of his hand, and while Andy and Hortense watched breathlessly to see whether he would burn himself, he slowly lighted his corncob pipe. Then he began.

An' what about that widee of Jerrypath? Didn't her meal and ile last when she done what was right? Tell me that!" "Oh, yes, that may be as ye say. I ain't botherin' about old 'Lijah an' that widow. If them people lived to-day they'd jine forces an' start the biggest flour an' ile company the world has ever seen.

One mawnin' dis yere Lijah Jones was a-traipsin' along when he met Aunt Maria. "Mawnin'," says Lijah, keerless like, "yo' been a hoodooin' any one lately, Aunt Maria?" Dis yere Aunt Maria, she got a bad name and Lijah know it. Aunt Maria, she stopped an' looked kinder hard at Lijah. "Huh," she says, "Don' yo' fool wid me, niggah."

She teached me 'bout 'Scuffle little chillens and forbid 'em not, and 'bout 'Ananias telled Sapphira he done it with his little hatchet, and 'bout 'Lijah jumped over the moon in a automobile: I know everything what's in the Bible. Miss Cecilia sure is a crackerjack; she's 'bout the stylishest Sunday-School teacher they is."

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