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Mr Lenorme has been painting one from a miniature I lent him under my supervision, of course; and just because I let fall a word that showed I was not altogether satisfied with the likeness, what should the wretched man do but catch up a brush full of filthy black paint, and smudge the face all over!" "Oh, Lenorme will soon set it to rights again.

Florimel had found her daring visit to Lenorme stranger and more fearful than she had expected: her courage was not quite so masterful as she had thought. The next day she got Mrs Barnardiston to meet her at the studio.-But she contrived to be there first by some minutes, and her friend found her seated, and the painter looking as if he had fairly begun his morning's work.

For that painter fellow, Lenorme they call him, I could knock him on the teeth with the dish every time I hold it to him. And to see him stare at Lady Lossie as he does!" "A painter must want to get a right good hold of the face he's got to paint," said Malcolm. "Is he here often?"

"If it hadn't been for Mr Lenorme," she added, "I should have been left without a squire, subject to any whim of my four footed servant here." As she spoke she patted the neck of her horse. The earl, on his side, had been looking the painter's horse up and down with a would be humorous expression of criticism.

Malcolm turned from her and went to the window, taking a. newspaper from the breakfast table as he passed, and there sat down to read until the way should be clear. Carried beyond herself by his utter indifference, Caley darted from the room and went straight into the study. Lenorme led Florimel in front of the picture. She gave a great start, and turned and stared pallid at the painter.

He speaks of not saying what you know; I spoke of forgetting where you got it." "Come now," said Lenorme, growing more and more interested in his new acquaintance, "tell me something about your life. Account for yourself. If you will make a friendship of it, you must do that."

I dare not come to your studio if you are going to behave like this. It would be very wrong of me. And if I am never to come and see you, I shall die I know I shall." The girl was so full of the delight of the secret love between them, that she cared only to live in the present as if there were no future beyond: Lenorme wanted to make that future like but better than the present.

"Come on, Raoul," she cried, looking back; "I must account for you. He sees I have not been alone." Lenorme joined her, and they rode along side by side. The earl and the painter knew each other: as they drew near, the painter lifted his hat, and the earl nodded. "You owe Mr Lenorme some acknowledgment, my lord, for taking charge of me after your sudden desertion," said Florimel.

She shuddered indeed at the remembrance of one look he had given her, but that had been for no behaviour to himself; and now that the painter was gone, she was clear of all temptation to the sort of thing that had caused it; and never, never more would she permit herself to be drawn into circumstances the least equivocal If only Lenorme would come back, and allow her to be his friend his best friend his only young lady friend, leaving her at perfect liberty to do just as she liked, then all would be well absolutely comfortable!

One of his works, the labour and gift of love, you shall see when we rise from the table. It is a portrait of your late landlord, my father, painted partly from a miniature, partly from my sister, partly from the portraits of the family, and partly, I am happy to think, from myself. You must yourselves judge of the truth of it. And you will remember that Mr Lenorme never saw my father.