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Updated: August 25, 2024

Then the door was slammed shut and two men with automatics were stationed on guard outside. "Don't shoot unless you have to," instructed Brittler's voice, purposely raised. "And remember a bullet in the leg'll stop a man just as quick as one through the body." And then in a tone lower, but perfectly audible to those inside: "But don't stand any fooling! Stop 'em anyway!

We're goin' for old Bragg for every cent we're worth, and we want to git back to the regiment as quick as our leg'll carry us. Hustle around, now." "But what'er we goin' to do with our prisoners?" asked Si. "Blast the prisoners!" answered Shorty with profane emphasis. "Let 'em go to blue blazes, for all that we care. We're after bigger game than a handful o' measly pennyroyal sang-diggers.

That leg'll be as good as the other one in two or three weeks. It's all right, little gal." Melissa stopped weeping with a sudden gulp. But when Jack was lying in the kitchen by the fire alone, she slipped in and put her arm around the dog's head, and, when Jack began to lick her face, she bent her own head down and sobbed. On the way to God's Country at last!

And Barlow was sometimes dropping the troubled thought of the missing order and the turmoil that would be in the Council of the Governor General when it became known, to mutter inwardly: "By Jove! if the chaps get wind of this, that I carried the Gulab throughout a moonlit night, there'll be nothing for me but to send in my papers. I'll be drawn; my leg'll be pulled."

And Dickie lifted the latch of smooth, brown, sun-warmed iron, and went up the brick path, as the old man slowly turned himself about in the chair. "Yonder's the well," he said; "draw up a bucket, if thy leg'll let thee, poor little chap!" "I draws water with my arms, not my legs," said Dickie cheerfully. "There's a blue mug in the wash-house window-ledge," said the old man.

"No colonel, your leg'll bear witness to that," said the skipper as he turned to me. "Run down quickly, Haldane, to the arm chest in my state room here are the keys and pick out a dozen or so cutlasses and boarding-pikes, with a revolver apiece for all on the quarter-deck, and half a dozen rounds of ammunition. You can get Weston to help you to bring the lot up here.

Dick nodded. He was looking wistfully at the mare, thinking what a light mouth she had, and how boldly she faced water. "That leg'll be as clean as my face in a week," observed Mr. Crop confidently. "She'll fetch a good price, she will. Sir Frederic's after her, I know. There's nothing but tares in there, sir; old Dandybrush is in the box on the right."

I never was so mortified in my life. And then at supper he prayed. Just think of it. I'll bet anything he cheated you." "Wall let us believe not. The next mornin' after standin' all night, the hoss I let him have will show his true worth. He's got a spavin, as you know, an' when he leads him out of the stable a j'int in his right leg'll pop like a pipe stem broke."

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