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At two o'clock we rose, breakfasted on a warmed tin-cupful of coffee and a piece of frozen venison broiled on the coals, and started for the summit. Up to this time there was nothing in sight that betokened the approach of a storm; but on gaining the summit, we saw toward Lassen's Butte hundreds of square miles of white cumuli boiling dreamily in the sunshine far beneath us, and causing no alarm.

That was why I sang before dinner that song of Lassen's, 'Thine Eyes So Blue and Tender. But it has come back. Something deep within me says, 'He is not true. Something whispers, 'He is false by nature; it is not in him to be true to anything or anybody." He made an effort to carry off the situation lightly.

Just then the door of Engineer Lassen's office opened, and he and Fru Falkenberg came out. They looked as if they had just got up; they had no hats on; just going down to breakfast, no doubt. Now, whether they did not notice me, or took me for the porter standing there, they went on with what they had been saying. "Quite so," says the engineer. "And it won't be any different.

Laverick rose to his feet half doubtfully. Lassen's small, queerly-shaped face seemed to have become one huge ingratiating smile. "I am very glad to see you, Mr. Laverick," he said, "very glad indeed." "I have come to call upon Mademoiselle Idiale," Laverick answered, somewhat curtly.

The view from the summit in clear weather extends to an immense distance in every direction. Southeastward, the low volcanic portion of the Sierra is seen like a map, both flanks as well as the crater-dotted axis, as far as Lassen's Butte , a prominent landmark and an old volcano like Shasta, between ten and eleven thousand feet high, and distant about sixty miles.

The Englishmen Livermore, Gilroy and Mark West, those early settlers, Temple and Rice at Los Angeles, Yount and Pope of Napa Valley, Don Timoteo Murphy of San Rafael, and Lassen the Dane, for whom Lassen's Peak was named, were among those who came here before 1830. Governor Figueroa, called the "benefactor of Alta California" ordered the Missions to be given up to the Indians.

Bellamy glanced through the pockets, holding one letter for a moment in his hands as he glanced at the address. "The writing of our friend Streuss," he remarked, with a smile. "No, you need not fear, Lassen! I am not going to read it. There is plenty of proof of your treachery without this." Lassen's face was livid and his eyes seemed like beads. Bellamy handed back the coat.

Extending gradually southward around on both sides of Shasta, these at length united with the older field towards Lassen's Butte, thus encircling Mount Shasta in one continuous cloud zone. Rhett and Klamath Lakes were eclipsed beneath clouds scarcely less brilliant than their own silvery disks.

It is one of the grand series of extinct volcanoes extending from Lassen's Butte to Mount Baker, a distance of about six hundred miles, which once flamed like gigantic watch-fires along the coast.

"It is very brave of you," said Myra Ingleby, at length. "I would offer to play your accompaniment, dear; but I can only manage Au clair de la lune, and Three Blind Mice, with one finger." "And I would offer to play your accompaniment, dear," said Garth Dalmain, "if you were going to sing Lassen's Allerseelen, for I play that quite beautifully with ten fingers!