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If it hurts you to have me go on with my examination of your father's theory, I'm ready to drop the lectures to-morrow, and trust to the Lanfear Laboratory to breed up a young chap who'll knock us both out in time. You've only got to say the word."

Lanfear had not, indeed, neglected it; but he could not help ignoring it in his happiness, as he remembered afterwards in the self-reproach which he would not let the girl share with him. Nothing, he realized, could have availed if everything had been done which he did not do; but it remained a pang with him that he had so dimly felt his duty to the gentle old man, even while he did it.

Miss Gerald had leaped from her seat, and followed Lanfear as he ran forward to the prostrate form. She did not look at it, but within a few paces she clutched her hands in her hair, and screamed out: "Oh, my mother is killed!" and sank, as if sinking down into the earth, in a swoon. "No, no; it's all right, Nannie! Look after her, Lanfear! I'm not hurt.

She returned their greeting, and shared, in her quieter way, their raptures at their encounter. "Such a hunt as we've had for you!" the matron shouted. "We've been up-stairs and down-stairs and in my lady's chamber, all over the hotel. Where's your father? Ah, they did get our cards to you!" and by that token Lanfear knew that these ladies were the Bells.

She left them, and when he was alone with Lanfear he said: "You see how it is!" "Yes, I saw how it was before. But what do you wish to do?" "Do you mean that he will keep it up?" "Decidedly, he'll keep it up. He has every right to from his point of view." "Oh, well, then, my dear fellow, you must stop it, somehow. You'll know how to do it."

"I lost the way, and Miss Gerald found it," Lanfear explained, as he helped her to the place beside her father. She said nothing, and almost with sinking into the seat, she sank into that deep slumber which from time to time overtook her. "I didn't know we had gone so far or rather that we had waited so long before we started down the hills," Lanfear apologized in an involuntary whisper.

Gerald said, and he broke out hopelessly: "She has her mind sound enough, but not not her memory. She had forgotten that they were there! Are you going to stay in San Remo?" he asked, with an effect of interrupting himself, as if in the wish to put off something, or to make the ground sure before he went on. "Why," Lanfear said, "I hadn't thought of it.

While she kept her father in sight it seemed that Miss Gerald could maintain her hold of his identity, and one morning she said, with the tender fondness for him which touched Lanfear: "When he sits there among those sick people and poor people, then he knows they are in the world."

It was not an insipid perfection of character which reported itself in these celestial terms, and Lanfear conjectured that angelic immortality, if such a thing were, could not imply perfection except at the cost of one-half of human character.

And wuzn't it a queer coincidence? that right where books wuz all round me, right while my eyes wuz sot on 'em I hearn a voice I recognized. It wuz a-givin' utterance to the words I had heard so often "Two dollars and a half for cloth three for sheep, and four for morocco." I turned, and there she wuz; there stood Arvilly Lanfear.