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Whittington, of Malin, was put out in the wild March weather, with a child three days old in her arms and a flock of six around her, I looked for some one to raise a voice of protest, but there was not a whisper. When a landlord's official forced his way past husband, doctor and nurse, to the bedside of Mrs.

He started at her quick, sharp whisper, and answered that very likely he had been mistaken. "If it was anybody at all," she reflected aloud, "it wouldn't have been anyone but that hotel woman the landlord's wife." "Mrs. Schomberg," Heyst said, surprised. "Yes. Another one that can't sleep o' nights. Why? Don't you see why? Because, of course, she sees what's going on.

When he came home at last to the woods, some hundreds of miles north of Equity, he found that some one had realized his early dream of a summer hotel on the shore of the beautiful lake there; and he unenviously settled down to admire the landlord's thrift, and to act as guide and cook for parties of young ladies and gentlemen who started from the hotel to camp in the woods.

Both sat quite still for some time; then the philosophe gently drew the landlord's letter from between Aurora's hands. "What is this?" She could not read in any language. "I must pay my rent within nineteen days." "Have you not paid it?" The delinquent shook her head. "Where is the gold that came into your purse? All gone?"

My landlord's got a front pew up there," said another voice, and there was a laugh, for the speaker was a saloon keeper. "Trow out de life line 'cross de dark wave!" began a drunken man near by, singing in such an unconscious imitation of a local traveling singer's nasal tone that roars of laughter and jeers of approval rose around him.

Here a sheeted form lay prone on the roadside; there a flickering lamp disclosed through the half-open door a mother crooning to her child, while her master smoked the hubble-bubble with the clay bowl and ruminated over the events of the day, the villainy of the landlord who contemplated the raising of the rent and the still greater rascality of the landlord's 'bhaya' who insisted upon his own 'dasturi' as well.

The room which he gave me was a very large one in the second story of the house, and, though there were large heaps of grain and different kinds of farming implements there, the end where the bed stood was clean and inviting, considering the circumstances. There was no lock at the door, but the landlord's honest face and assurances soon put me at ease about that matter.

"Lord, sir, I only seen him once, but I'd stake my oath on it. "Do you mean to say Mr. Temple has been here Nicholas Temple?" I said. The bewildered landlord turned towards me helplessly. "Who the devil are you, sir?" cried Mr. Jackson. "Tell me what this Mr. Temple was like," said I. The landlord's face lighted up.

In some rural villages a great many cottages may be observed sadly out of repair the thatch coming off and in holes, the windows broken, and other signs of dilapidation. This is usually set down to the landlord's fault, but if the circumstances are inquired into, it will often be found that the fault lies with the inmates themselves.

England's necessity is the landlord's opportunity.... Scrope began to generalize about this, and develop a new and sincerer streak of socialism in his ideas. "The church has been very remiss," he said, as he and Lady Ella stared at the basement "breakfast room" of their twenty-seventh dismal possibility. "It should have insisted far more than it has done upon the landlord's responsibility.