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The hunter often tracks and kills him in the woods with a bullet from his rifle. He will not turn upon man unless when wounded or brought to bay. Then his assault is to be dreaded. Should he grasp the hunter between his great forearms, the latter will stand a fair chance of being hugged to death.

It is asserted that the puma always kills its prey by springing on the shoulders, and then drawing back the head with one of its paws, until the vertebrae break: I have seen in Patagonia the skeletons of guanacos, with their necks thus dislocated. The puma, after eating its fill, covers the carcass with many large bushes, and lies down to watch it.

For this end he went to the palace, and acquainted the sultan with what had happened, and received from him this answer, I have no mercy to show to a Christian, who kills a Mussulman; go do your office. Upon this the judge ordered a gibbet to be erected, and sent criers all over the city to proclaim that they were about to hang a Christian for killing a Mussulman.

"His wife said, 'You're determined? "She said, 'Very well. If she's going to be in the house, I'm going out of it. I'm going to my father's. Now. Are you still determined? "The poor devil, standing there with his stick and his game leg, and his face working, said, 'Mabel, Mabel, believe me, it kills me to say it, but I am, absolutely. The girl's got no home. She only wants to keep her baby.

Death results from paralysis of the central nervous system, but artificial respiration is useless, as the drug promptly arrests the heart's action. It also kills the protoplasm of the red blood-corpuscles, rendering them useless as oxygen-carriers. Post-Mortem Appearances. Skin livid, pale, or violet, with bright red patches on the dependent parts.

The dog, he rushed at him; but what does he do but claps a bag he'd got at the end of a stick over the brute's head, and there he holds him tight till the men comes up and kills him with their forks. "Young gentleman," he said, stepping up to Frank and holding out his hand, "I owe my child's life to you.

They raises the animals and then kills un, and sells the meat at the tradin' stores!" "'Tis a queer way," admitted Mrs. Twig. "'Tis a fine way!" enthused Skipper Twig. "Twould be fine if we could raise deer and kill un when we wants un." "Here's sweetenin' for your tea," and Toby, observing that Charley had not helped himself, passed the molasses.

The world span, and I, in my capacity of atomic part, span with it. I mean that this was a continuous, not an occasional state of consciousness. After that came an unexpected peace." "You have travelled a long and hard road to find it!" cried Hadria. "Not a unique fate," he said with a smile. "It must be a terrible process that quite kills the personal in one, it is so strong.

"It almost killed me; but I meant to do it if it did kill me; and now his offering to see you aboard the car shows that he is determined to do it, too, if it kills him. I call it masterly." "Well, don't go and spoil it now," said Cornelia. "And if you're going to ask me every day how you've done " "Oh, I'm not! Only the first day and the last day!" "Well!"

The system has the great advantage that a shell falling into one of these holes only kills its two occupants; instead of destroying many, as it might do if it fell in a continuous trench. In the afternoon the general returned to Rangoon, leaving Stanley at the pagoda, with orders to ride down should there be any change of importance.