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If a son kills his father, or a father his son, or a man kills his brother, he shall pay a fine of twenty-eight dollars, and the bhasa lurah as above. If a man kills his wife the relations of the deceased shall receive half a bangun: if any other kills a man's wife the husband is entitled to the bangun, but shall pay out of it to the relations of the wife ten dollars.

Into my heart an air that kills From yon far country blows: What are those blue remembered hills, What spires, what farms are those? That is the land of lost content, I see it shining plain, The happy highways where I went, And cannot come again. Mr.

"Bad enough for me, sir, so I'm not going to do what might mean being you know what I mean?" "What " "Yes, that's it. A bit o' smuggling's not got much harm in it, but they call it murder when a man kills a man." "By pushing him off a cliff, Eben?" said Aleck. "Yes."

"Says they kills the young rats and mice. Like to go and see it?" "Yes." "Well, I'm going round by Rigg's Spinney, and I'll meet you at the farm gates. Jem Roff'll let you go up if I ask him." "How long will you be?" "Hour! Don't forget!" "Just as if we should!" cried Mercer, as the keeper shouldered his gun again and marched off. "It's rather awkward, though." "What is?" I said.

Godolphin was quite right about that. I wish you were writing a novel, Brice, instead of a play. Then you would be really addressing refined people." "It kills me to have you say that, Louise." "Well, I won't. But don't you see, then, that you must stand up for art all the more unflinchingly if you intend to write plays that will refine the theatre-going public, or create a new one?

But he does not kill who owes service to the person who gives him his orders, for he is as it were a mere sword for the person who employs his assistance. Likewise: When a soldier, in obedience to the power under which he is legitimately placed, kills a man, by no law of the state is he accused of murder; nay if he has not done it, he is accused of desertion and insubordination.

Sometimes when sitting with gipsies at their wild hearth, I have felt curious as to the contents of that black pot simmering over the fire. No doubt it often contains strange meats, but it would not have been etiquette to speak of such a matter. It is like the pot on the fire of the Venezuela savage into which he throws whatever he kills with his little poisoned arrows or fishes out of the river.

Then my mentor proceeded to correct my use and choice of diction. "And what makes you say 'lid' when you mean a cover? Why, it just about kills us girls to hear you say 'lid." "But," I remonstrated, aggravated by her silly "tee-hee" into defense of my English, "why shouldn't I say 'lid' if I want to? It means just the same as cover."

Decides to go on head hunt despite protests of parents. Is detained on his trip by young alan girls. Finally reaches Igorot town and by means of magic kills all the people and takes their heads. Heads take themselves to his home. On way back he plays bamboo jew's harp and it summons his brothers to come and see him. They chew betel-nut and make sure of relationship.

II. God's revelation of Himself, and presence in His Church, are an instrument of cleansing. Fire purifies. In our great cities now there are 'disinfecting ovens, where infected articles are taken, and exposed to a high temperature which kills the germs of disease, so that tainted things come out sweet and clean. That is what God's furnace in Zion is meant to do for us.